So i just pinned myself for on week 5 of my cycle (1m test/1ml Mast/1mil Primo). I used a 23g and I always pin my glutes. I do it myself so I have to reach around and look in the mirror and I always aspirate. I have very low body fat and I generally get some blood dribble out of each injection (some times more than others) Any way when I pinned this time it was very hard going in, had to really apply pressure on the plunger, felt much harder than normal. When I withdrew the pin i expected some blood dribble but the blood actually spurted out of my glute a good few centimeters and kept coming until I wacked a swab on top of it, it looked as though a vein was spewing blood out of my glute (no blood when I aspirated). Have I meesed this up big time? Has this happened to any one else before? and was the gear wasted? I'm packing it right now, cause I am starting to get a warm feeling in the area I injected. HELP!