Hey gents been awhile. started a cut log in the members cycle results area ill have a link at the the bottom. to all who are reading hope all is well.

So what id like to do is write why i feel AAS is beneficial for cutting and have you all correct me, agree with me or better yet: better inform me on the information/ mis-information at hand if any. . . ..as pertaining to MY cur cycle.

Lets start at my proposed cycle and as to why

Please me know if you think the AAS usedsuites the purpose's listed, if not again please id like to hear your opinion.

Quick summation of cycle:
1-8 Sust 750 mg per week
9 sust 500 mg
10 sust 250 mg
11 cyp 200 mg per week back to TRT
1-10 EQ 300 mg per week
1-5 Winny 50 mg EOD
6-11 T#/Clen cycled properly

Weeks 1-8Sust 250: 750 mg per week. inj every Mon/Wed/Friday
Why: To maintain fat free mass (Muscle) as well as increase nutrient/ calorie, also to Aid yes i said AID in fat loss via better nutrient portioning so as calories are used primarily for building (if at all possible during a caloric deficit) and muscle maintenance. as such calories are apt not to be left and stored as fat.

weeks 1-10 EQ- 300 mg per week every monday.
WHY: somewhat same purpose as Sust but mainly as between 200-300 mg of eq per weeks tends to make me very hard and extremely vascular which i like while cutting.

weeks 1-5 Winny 50 mg EOD
WHY: Again same purposes as AAS 1 and 2 but also due to the fact that it is said winny can lead to less water retention and also because it does help release bound testosterone much like Proviron.

Clen/T3 cycle properly weeks 6-11

More on this soon ADD