Been taking for about 2 months. Started off with 50mcg for a week then went to 100mcg. I should have ramped up slower or just stayed at 50mcg.

About two weeks ago I occasionally started to feel an uncomfortable tightness in my chest followed by some weird palpitations. Basically, the symptoms of a heart attack. Over the last week it became constant never subsiding.

I knew this was a possible side of T4 so a week ago I stopped taking it. Realizing the half-life is almost a week, I knew that I was in for a ride. It slowly subsided, and finally, yesterday, I was fine and back to normal.

Worst experience with hormones ever. I'm going to the Dr for some blood work before using it again. Only using 2iu of HGH ED so not really sure if I need T4 due to TSH suppression.

The T4 did nothing over the 2 months for me as far as body composition. It definitely gave me more energy though. Too much energy, I never want to feel like that again.