My Daily Log - 12/01/12 thursday
Trained Back today -
Pull downs behind neck, 4 sets of reps between 8-10, increasing the weight in each set...
Pull downs front, 4 sets again reps 8-10...
Deadlift - 4 sets - 60kg 10 reps/ 100kg 8 reps/ 140 kg 6 reps/ 100 kg 8 reps...
Bent over Rows with t-bar - 3 sets - 40kg 12 reps/ 60 kg 10 reps/ 80 kg 8 reps...
Seated rows - first three sets 10 reps then a set where i started off high weight 10 reps, knocked weight to half and did 8 reps, knocked weight down and did 8 reps.
Machine Pulls, man i meant to find the name of this machine, 3 sets 6-10 reps, each arm pulling 40kg/60kg/70kg/
I was going to do some bent over dumbbell rows but i was feeling a bit tired by now and out of breath so i left that till nxt time..
30 mins cardio, speed 3.5, 25 mins, incline 8, burnt around 300 cals, then a slow run for 10 mins burnt about 80 cals...
Feeling good, just got a bad bloated stomach, i think it might be my cnp propeptide shake bloating me out...

JP2011 - 50 years of age and no skin? he must look in good shape... I did not know that salt could affect your body fluids this way but it makes total sense... Dehydrates...

Thanks again guys especially Jp2011 and alexISthrowed... by the way alexISthrowed - what does your name mean?