Thursday 2nd feb
Missed gym today, felt really worn out from chest and legs... So far missed two days this week which means I got fri sat and sun to train shoulders, back and arms... So I can't and won't take another day off this week...
Jp2011- what do you mean by a high carb day? Knock 6 pizzas back? Only messing... I think if I was to go off the diet plan I might end up having too many high carb days, so far diet feels good to be honest, eating chicken is ok with me just the tuna is hard to down at times... Will be weighing my self on Sunday to monitor progress... I don't trust my self with a high carb day... May be once the fat is off, but still appreciate your advice as your knowledge is much superior to mine on bb...
Starting the clen on Monday and dropping the ephedrine for two weeks... What can I do to avoid the cramps??? Man they were bad last time I used clen.
Try and post some progress pics up at the end of the month to see how I have changed in two months and to asses what needs sculpting on my body, probably the whole body...