Quote Originally Posted by JJ14 View Post
Im new, running 400mg test cyp and 50mg tren m,w,f, sun is my rest day, dont want to get crazy, and i have arimidex and nolva on hand, thanks to this thread ill procure something to counter the tren downsides too, am i wasting it at only 150mg a week? i know i should have stuck to test only first time but it is what it is....for the record maybe because of the test and alot of B vitamins i take anyways, i am having no sexual side effects, acne, i notice a slightly reduced cardio at jiu-jitsu but nothing major. other than in bed no incresed aggression haha
150mg/week of tren is plenty, especially if you are throwing it into your first cycle. It is a very strong compound. I would highly reccomend you do it EOD, period, instead of M/W/F to keep blood levels stable and side effects low. One of the other reasons side effects flare up, such as acne, is because blood levels are shooting and rollercoastering wildly up and down. Steady blood levels won't do that.