Like I said its time to come clean. After reading that post with the 16 year old wanting to take AS it made me think of how young I was when I did my first cycle of AS. Well I was only 17 but it was about a month before I turned 18. I was very misinformed because I was not fortunate enough to have access to this board. I had only been training for about a year and didn’t have my diet in check. My first cycle was sus250 at 250mg a week for the first 5 weeks and then 500mg for the next 5 weeks. I gained about thirty pounds on that cycle. I’ve done another cycle since then and did not gain much because I started that cycle about three months after I got off my first cycle. My second cycle consisted of sus250 at 500mg a week for 8 weeks. And now it is a year later, I’m now 19 and been working my ass off for the past year at a real gym. Even though my training and diet are in check, thanks to you guys, I have not gained much because of the taking of the AS. I wish I had never started in the first place but since I did the show must go on. I am planning a cycle to start next month and hopefully it will be my last. The only reason I’m going on this particular cycle is to get ripped for spring break. This is my cycle:

Weeks 1-8: sus250 1cc every week
Weeks 1-8: equipoise 500mg every week
Weeks 4-10: Fina 75mg eod
Weeks 4-10: winny 60mg ed
Followed up with some clomid and clen (if needed)

Supplements throughout cycle are:

Glucosimine (just with the winny)
Saw palomento
Pantothenic acid
Milkthistle (just with the winny)
Cranberry extract (just with the fina)
ZMA Fuel (just with the clomid)
Tribulus (just with the clomid)

I do need a little help on the mg of the supps.
So tell me what you think. Criticism is welcome.

One more thing the only reason the sus250 is so low is because the only reason I’m taking it in the first place is to cure the fina-dick.
