This will be my first cycle of real steroids. In the past I have taken a few "cycles" of pro hormones, but never the real gear.
Cycle plan:
I will be injecting 2ce a week, each shot 1 amp of Sustanon 250 by Organon paki
will run for 10 weeks.
I have clomid on hand for my pct
stats - 23 y/o 5'9 180 lbs. been lifting since i was 15. played sports my whole life. ( basketball baseball soccer football wrestling )
take this with a grain of salt because I haven't honestly maxed out in a long time
current lifts:
bench- 280
squat- 365
clean- 225
personal best bench - I have gotten 315 for 3
personal best squat have gotten 415 parallel
personal best power clean 245 max
personal best deadlift - 500 with hex bar
Goal - to build lean muscle mass and increase strength, I would like to surpass my personal bests on all my lifts as well. Although I am not trying to achieve strength as much as I am trying to achieve looks.
I figured it would be a good idea to make this thread to track my progress and gain knowledge from the vets around here. All advice is greatly appreciated. I will post pictures either tonight or tomorrow. ( for a before and after ) Any questions or comments feel free to post! Thank you for reading.
I train hard. at least 5 days a week. Looks something like this but I change up the split every week.
Monday - Chest Tris
Tuesday - Back Bis
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Shoulders Traps Forearms
Friday - Chest Tris
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Off
abs .. every day or eod.. calvs on legs day and throw em in occasionally if i feel i need to train them.. sometimes might take a day off for rest in the middle of the week and then lift saturday.. almost always take sunday off.. or do cardio on that day
Diet.. simple.. i try to eat every 3 hours, and my meal after the gym is most important because that is when I am anabolic and will get the most out of it.
breakfast - 3 whole eggs 2 egg whites, toast, maybe some fruit..big glass of water
snack - tunafish..water
lunch.. some type of chicken .. protein
meal 4 - some type of meat and rice or something
dinner - steak or fish or chicken.. rice...water
i am not on a set diet..what i exacatly eat changes but it is something with protein good fats carbs
I feel as though my diet looks like a joke but I am eating alot of good food. chicken steak rice tuna fish. My first shot will be tonight or tomorrow, or someday soon. I will check back in with pics soon.