Hi everyone, new to this forum and wanted to let you guys know how this cycle will go and it'll help me stay on track of my goals/results at the same time. Training seriously for passed 6 almost 7 years now. I've been into crossfit these last 2 years but just recovered from shoulder and hip injuries ao i had to let that go because of the Oly lifts.

5'10" (have to edit profile it says 5'11")
175 (light but heavy for crossfit)
10% bf

Tren E week 1-10 550mg/EW
Test E week 1-12 200mg/EW
Anadrol week 1-5 75mg/ED
HCG week 4-14 250ui/2EW
Nolva week 14-18 20mg/ED
Arimidex on hand

Started yesturday morning, pinning test on mondays and tren on thursdays. I split my adrol dose to 25mg in the am/pm/before bed. Main goal is to bring my weight up about 15lbs. Look tu update this blog at least 1-2 a week a probably more when tren will start kicking in at about week 5-6. Also first time doing high tren low test, i did use tren before though and didnt get any sides and gains were not that good, probably really underdosed.