So I'm considering using AAS's and wanted to hear some vets opinions.

I am trying to make a decision on whether I should use or not. I have good genetics and have seen good gains since I have began bodybuilding. I don't want to use AAS's as a short cut and have specific goals in mind. Im not sure if my goals are reachable naturally or not.

Currently I am 6' 1", 195lbs, with 10%bf. My goal is 225lbs with single digit bf. I have done a lot of research and some believe in cycling, other believe in a life long commitment through blasting and cruising. I had my bloodwork done, and everything is perfect. Didn't have hormonal ran just normal health bw.

I am torn between my goals, and messing up my health. Because currently my cholesterol is great and I am concerned about messing it up. I have good enough genetics that I may have a chance at making a decent pro career. The thing is, I do not want to be a MR. Olympia because I do not like the body type that has evolved in the sport. I like aesthetics, I like the body
types of the 70's-90's. I feel like today it's all about who's the biggest. Instead of who has the best symmetry and over all build. I just don't know what to do. I know it's my choice in the end.

Would like to hear some vets opinions on whether to use or not. I think this would help others like myself make the decision. And to realize that this stuff isn't a game and not a short cut for people just trying to look good at the beach.