I'm currently recovering from an ACL reconstructive surgery, as well has another meniscus surgery. I do martial arts, and while I was sparring I hurt my knee by landing on it in an awkward position. They reconstructed a piece of my ACL using my hamstring; my meniscus couldn't be repaired, so they just trimmed it. I was fortunate enough to have a meniscus that covered the entire surface of the joint capsule rather than two half donuts. Therefore very little was actually trimmed, I really made it more or less normal.

The reason I'm writing to you is because it has been close to 8 months post-op now and I still haven't returned to full sparring as I anticipated. I've been lifting weights and I can grapple if I'm cautious, but I can't kick on the leg yet. Does anyone know if there's a steroid I can use to help speed up the recovery time? I've read a lot of posts about Deca Durabolin and HGH being the preferred cycle, but the majority of those posts were close to 4 years old now. I was hoping if anyone had any current information on what I could do to speed up the recovery enough for me to comfortably kick with both legs again.