For the last two months my labs from Quest have been consistently "high" - according to both my doctors (one is my allergist and friend -who writes me scripts for extensive BW.) (The other is the Dr. who writes me Test Cyp.)
Total T: 1177 Range: 250-1100
Free T: 267 Range: 35-155
Estradiol: <2 Range: <OR=29 (I'd feel more comfortable with a number but Quest apparently doesn't give one.)
All my other numbers are in range.
I gave blood twice this year and my hematocrit is at 47%
My protocol: 250iu hCG, EOD. Test Cyp, 36mg EOD - both on alternating days. Anastrozole (liquid): .26mg E3D. I take DIM, Zinc, Copper daily and supplement with DHEA 3 days a week and Pregnenolone daily. 10mg Cialis a day in the evenings.
On some days I'm hornier than others but other than that, and some manageable acne, I feel great. I'm 66 going on thirty. ;-)
So my question to you all is this: What really is "too high"? Or is there any such thing? These doctors did seem rather concerned.
Is there is any danger in a protocol such as mine which gets me to these numbers - or at the very least, is there a downside? I don't see it - but I'd be very interested in hearing your thoughts.