I work part time as a bouncer in a nightclub, so as you can guess I'd have been working las night,
Ain't people animals sometime's ?.
Last night we had the cops to the club on 3 occassions. On one occassion I was kicked in the nuts but a WOMAN !. Lucky I wear a 'kick box' so the kick wasn't too bad.
Then we were attacked by another woman with a broken bottle !, she proceeded to stab herself in the arm, thank god.
At closing time 02:30 we'd a gang waiting outside for us to finish, another battle, men and women this time.
Then the final insult.
After my wife having the neighbours in for a party she invited one of the guys to stay as there was no taxi's available and he was too drunk to go wondering by himself.
That was cool with me, got into bed at 06:00am this morning, had a sleep, up at 10am and wondering when I'm going to meet this guy I can hear wondering around upstairs in my house.
Then sitting down having breakfst with the kids I hear the door closing and upon looking out seen our guest jumping over the wall and walking off into the sunset !, doesn't end there. My wife went up to change the bedding and THE BASTARD HAD PISSED THE BED ! and fucked off without saying as much as "good morning, thanks for the bed last night" or some other shit.

People I hope you all had a better new year's eve than I did.

Happy new year Anabolicreview.com and all who sail in her.
