I know this isn't technically trt related, but this is where I spend the most time and know the most members. I had my 3rd quarterly check in with my trt doc this week and he's happy with all my levels and feels comfortable not pulling bloods again for 6 months. I started this week with 250mg yesterday. I was going to wait til Jan to start my blast, but I've got a good window of opportunity with bloodwork so I'll go with it. This is just a very simple 12 week test E cycle at 500/wk and anastrozole for AI, then return to trt dose after that. I'll pull some bloods in about 6 weeks to see if I need to adjust AI any. When I get time I may post some before pics for progress. Currently starting at 195 lbs at 5'9". Not going to make up a bodyfat % since I've never tested it,but I'm lean enough that I'm not worried about it. Looking mostly for strength and size.

Current PRs are: 345 bench, 520 dead, 385 squat. Wish me luck!