Posted another thread with some of my story. Anyways this is my second cycle. I'm hoping to shred some fat and build some decent lean muscle.
Liquid Clen 200 mg 1ml (6 weeks on 6 off)
Day1: 25 mg.
Day2: 50mg
Continue upping dose by 25mg or lowering depending on sides (shakes etc.)
Won't go for more than 100 mg a day.
Day 13: Half of regular daily dose (taper off)
Day 14: Same
2 Weeks off.
Should i supplement benadryl to aid receptors while the 2 weeks off?
T3: Day 1-3: 25mg
Day 4- week 6: 50 mg
(Not going past 50mg as Ive heard t3 can be quite catabolic.) Also don't want to extend the t3 longer in fear of messing my thyroid up.
What would be the best time to take t3? and should i split doses?
75 mg ED for 7 weeks
I know Anavar isn't too bad on the hair, at this dose will hair loss be avoided? or should i lower the dose?
Ill be getting the 25 mg pills. should i take them every 4 hours or all at once?
HGH: 4 UI a day (5 days on, 2 off) for 5 months.
Im currently on TRT dose of 100 mg/week
I know Anavar suppresses testosterone further. should i Up my dose and take some propecia? hair loss is a concern as i already lost a lot on my first cycle.
What would even be a safe dose to run test using 1mg of propecia to avoid hair loss? I've seen some people reporting hair loss at 350mg. I'd also use some Anastrole (.5 eod) to control estrogen.
Current stats:
6 ft
205 Lbs
15% body fat
Thanks in advance for any help/beneficial criticism.