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Thread: HRT confusion and 'newbie' advice

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    HRT confusion and 'newbie' advice

    I'm a 42yo male, and I've been on family doctor prescribed Androgel for 10+ years due to an injured testicle. It's just not working as well, and even with 4x 1.62% pumps a day my total T was 142ng (300-890), and free T is 12pg (47-244). T % free is 1.4% (1.6-2.9%). My insurance won't cover more than 4 pumps a day. I do have great insurance, in that I have no co-pay or deductible so my Androgel is 100% free. A couple of years ago I saw an Endo Doc, and he kept me on the same treatment although my T levels were then in the low range of normal. I also want to get leaner/shredded, and get a bit more bulkier to maybe 175-180# and 8-10-% BF. I don't want to "juice" to get monstrously big.

    I'm a bit confused about these anti-aging/HRT by-phone outfits that work outside of insurance and you basically subscribe to one or more injectable/pills for a fixed fee. In my mind this almost sounds "shady" and for those that want some type of oversight for juicing to be a bodybuilder. I mean why not see a local doctor and get the drugs through a traditional pharmacy?

    I live in San Diego, and did call one outfit that has local doctors. But I have a heavy travel schedule so not sure when I can get in. I have contacted a few by-phone outfits. One charged $500 for a 10 week program that includes:

    (10) 3CC X 20G SYRINGE
    (10) 23G NEEDLE TIP
    (1) ALCOHOL SWAB 100CT

    I have no idea if that's a "good" deal or protocol. Like I said, my Androgel is literally free. I'm also scared/semi-terrified of needles so stabbing myself a couple of times a week is v-e-r-y unappealing.

    Any advice for a solid HRT outfit, either in San Diego, or by internet would be appreciated. On the same note, can't I just find a regular Endo doc that would do the same thing?
    Last edited by SoCal91; 06-01-2016 at 06:53 PM.

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