I've been on TRT for a month now. At first I was on 200mg Cyp weekly, clomid ED, Adex 1mg 3X per week, HCG, and Anavar 20mg ED.

After 1 week I crashed, immediately cut out Clomid, cut back Adex to .5 2X/week.
So from week 2 until now (week 4) I've been on Adex .5/week, HCG, and test cyp 200mg/week.

Week 2 I felt better, but nips were sensitive.
Week 3 less sensitive, but still felt like they were sensitive so I got blood work done day after I took 200mg test, and E2 was 33.8, with normal between 8-35.
Week 4, I still feel like there might be something there, but can't tell if its in my head or not. Got sensitive E2 test day after I took Test 200mg this week also.....labs not back yet.

I am super scared to grow tits, and told my doc as much at the initial appointment.
Have I just lost my fucking mind and am feeling things that aren't there, or could this be gyno rearing its ugly head?