Been dealing with pain in my lower back (mostly left side) for the last few years. It first started hurting on my final deadlift attempt during my 1st powerlifting meet. I felt a slight click or pop (wasn't painful at the time) and it has never been the same since. I've been to numerous doctors and have recently visited a spine specialist, who diagnosed me with slight disc degeneration and herniations and obviously said heavy lifting isnt good for me blah blah blah. I've had a nerve block done which helped for a few weeks and then a nerve burn, which provided no relief at all.

I initially came on this forum for steroid advice because I'm in the midst of my first cycle, but saw this section and figured I'd see if anyone else has been dealing with or has had the same problem. I took dbol at the start of my cycle and the back pains I experienced were borderline unbearable. I felt like my back was going to break every time I got out of the car or did any type of lower back or leg exercise. That bad pain went away after the dbol left my system, and now it's back to the usual ups and downs. Sometimes I can do a heavy squat and deadlift workout in the same week and ill be fine, and other times I'll be in too much pain to finish my workout.

I do a basic stretching routine and try to do extra stretching whenever I can, but do you guys think there is a weakness somewhere? I dont think it's a form issue. Lately I have been adding in suitcase holds just because I have trouble with them and figure maybe its a core issue, but who knows. Can't seem to keep the lower back pain free for more than a couple of weeks at a time.