Good Evening All,
I made a post a while ago about how my most recent cycle didn't go so great with respect to mental sides. The cycle was 5 months of 500 test and EQ.

Long story short, for some reason the cycle this time around completely messed with my brain, I was angry, jealous, extremely distant from my girlfriend, found flaws in everything she did, basically I took anger out on everything and anyone (not phsycially). I would say I was depressed at times as well.

Anyways, I finally clued in that it was probably the steroids doing it to me, so I dropped them with a proper PCT at the end of July, within a couple weeks I was back to normal, and my girlfriend was extremely happy with me.

So that was in July, to this day I still get the odd mood swing, often it's with my girlfriend but she has really done nothing wrong, I will just find something insignificant and blow it up or I will just suddenly go quiet and come the next morning I'll be happy as a pig in mud. I also notice I may be overprotective of her or jealous which I never was pre-cycle. Basically, its a mild form of what I felt on cycle if that make sense?

So I went to my family doctor and talked to him about it today and he said there is no way that the steroids are still messing with me and I just have too much stress in my life and I should try some frigin meditating

What is your guys take on this? Could my hormones be off balance still 3.5 months later causing this? I'm really hoping they are as I would really like to treat people the way they deserve and the fact that I still have back acne makes me think they are. I got blood work checked today and will get the results in 3 days but my doctor insisted on not testing my test or estrogen levels.