Hi there, I'm 24 years of age - and planning to complete a cutting cycle. I've done steroids before, when I was around 18/19 (big mistake), had some bacne issue and upper neck acne issues, and gained a real fat face - was running test and deca.

This time round, I'm a bit more informed. I was planning on running this cycle, with these doseages.

Click image for larger version. 

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What are everybody's thoughts on the cycle and doseages?

I haven't got any family history of male pattern baldness, so you reckon i will develop any hair loss issues? I also have some issues with gyno, thanks for last time, will this cycle make it worse for me? and with acne - will this come back?

The reason for this cycle is to cut to a competing level, will this keep my face defined as im a model and don't want to get a fat face, like deca does.

Many thanks for your help guys,