Hi first post, ran my first cycle 600mg test e a week (12 weeks) with Post Cycle Therapy: (Begins three weeks after last injection) 100/100/50/50 of Clomid 40/40/20/20 of nolvadex. Gained about 3.5kilos my diet was not as good as it should of been but happy with the results.

Now want to go my 2nd cycle but this time a blast and cruise
600mg test e 400mg deca a week for 10 weeks
300mg test e for 4 weeks
repeat the same cycle
Then the same pct as my first cycle 100/100/50/50 of Clomid 40/40/20/20 of nolvadex 3 weeks after last pin

Also armidex 0.5 Tuesday Thursday Saturday

The Questions I have are

1. Is that pct okay for that cycle
2. Is it worth just doing two blasts
3. Am I missing and thing

(Ps I know I need to do a lot more research and 600mg was a bit of a high dose for my first cycle but be kind)

Attached photo of me as of a couple days ago Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	170493Click image for larger version. 

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