Hi Guys, after reading all reply in my previous post, I have dropped plan for "deca tren test dbol" cycle, and now planning for deca and test cycle.
Question is:
It was almost impossible to find 200mg/ml from reputated manufacturers (I never buy it from trainer or black market). 100mg/ml is available from oreganon msd, but it's 7$ for 100mg., While I found another brand which cost 90¢ for 50mg. So I bought 48 amps.
Now as it is 50mg/ml, should I take 150mg/3ml at once with 250mg/ml test twice a week? I am planning to run both for 12 weeks. Is it true that I have to stop deca before test? Have no experience with deca at all.
2nd Question: Is my Nandrolone genuine?
As all injections comes mixed with benzyl alcohol, but my deca won't, please have look and let me know.
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