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Thread: the off cycle "cycle" or BRIDGING

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    the off cycle "cycle" or BRIDGING

    So I've touched on using a combination of non AAS growth factor compounds to run while "off cycle", or during a cruising phase, in parts of my thread here.

    but that thread has more focus on guys who blast and cruise and don't PCT.. most you know I'm not a fan of PCT, I prefer phase cycling year round, and if you do PCT to just do it once per year. but lots of guys don't want to "risk" that and so do a PCT after each cycle. So heres a little bit of an edge that can help you maintain and even make gains, while completely off cycle, recovering your HPTA.

    this is an example of an off cycle "cycle" that uses NO steroids that suppress your HPTA. so you can be fully recovering that yet still make gains. this would also be an example of a 'bridge' between cycles.
    note- you guys that TRT or cruise can still do this between cycles as well

    10 week off cycle protocol
    Weeks 1-10
    HGH - 4-6iu per day
    T4 - 75mcg per day
    Insulin - 20-30iu per day
    Clenbuterol - 40mcg per day

    thats it. pretty simple eh (compared to some of the shit I come up with

    these 4 compounds are very very synergetic with each other . none of them will effect your HPTA and other aspects of your body like steroids would. but stacked together these 4 compounds are extremely ANABOLIC. I'd venture to say that you could put on a fair amount of muscle during this 10 weeks, and again thats with no actual AAS.

    this will more then carry you over to you next cycle in terms of keeping and even making gains, it will also actually sensitive and prime you for your next cycle.

    In another post I can go into the details on how these 4 drugs all work together and how when stacked together they become a super powerhouse anabolic muscle builder without any hpta suppression

    I can also give a couple other examples of off cycle 'cycles' and bridging protocols

    edit- do NOT think that the above protocol is a fat loss or cutting protocol just because it contains Clen and T4 . its not. these drugs are being used here as an anabolic to help build lean tissue because of their synergetic effects with all 4 compounds combined
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 02-17-2019 at 10:00 AM.

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