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Thread: Gearheaded’s crazy EXPERIMENTS log

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Canada, Eh
    Hey GH first off thanks for taking the time to log all of this! This post carried on a bit which I apologize for don't mean to hijack your thread but few things I want to say.

    I think for myself as a rookie it's been refreshing see the real day to day from some of the vets on this thread. Ive found that coming into this game and hitting the forums too often you meet non stop criticism that beats you down if you don't follow the exact fucking protocol or guideline in the Bible of starting steroids as written by the internet.

    You aren't eating enough or properly your going to fail
    You aren't taking this or that you don't know what your doing
    You got sick or missed workouts you should quit

    I got a stomach flu AND mild bronchitis (three kids in daycare fuck me right) so far in this cycle and it got me down pretty bad, but I'm glad I didn't just eject because I fought through it and am still doing well enough. I've eaten fast food, I've missed workouts due to crazy work schedule, I didn't start HCG off the bat ect.

    Anyway I guess just trying to summarize its cool to see the real deal instead of just high and mighty attitude on the forum and logs like: Im on blah blah everything is amazing life is perfect I workout everyday and eat everyday never miss anything and omg guys I've gained 15lbs this week of pure lean muscle (side note I hate that term like wtf is there fat muscle!?!)

    Your a dude with multiple injuries, a busy life, shit happens in life but your grinding it the fuck out for every pound of muscle because that's the life you love. Do you deserve to run AAS even though you don't plan to be an IFBB pro? Why the fuck not? Theres a lot of relevant experience to learn from in here on keeping it going through injuries, sickness, negative experience with compounds and how to identify and correct it, anabolic and androgen properties and structuring cycles, and guess what it's hard to stuff 7 meals a day into your fucking mouth and most of us aren't genetic freaks and it's hard to put on solid muscle. I can relate to that man. Thanks.

    BTW I have similar issues with my pecs and shoulders. I stopped working shoulders out really besides some cable isolation work of side and rear heads because my delts at some point in my early training completely overcame my pecs. I believe from poor posture and winged scapulars that I didn't know enough to correct at the time. It got so bad I couldn't even isolate my upper pecs without flexing my shoulders more. My shoulders still suffer from tissue damage from being the primary mover in heavy benches, construction work in a forward dominant position. I have wide and round shoulders which is sweet and all but I have to fight, and concentrate and carefully train and work around pain for any pec gains.
    Last edited by DeeCee112; 03-30-2019 at 07:07 AM.

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