Ok I'm stumped . not sure what is going on.
so 6 months ago I was 20 or more pounds heavier and more muscular then I am right now.. I was also on 2 grams of test per week, 1 gram of tren per week, and 600mg of Mast per week (and thats after running 900mg of deca, dbol, anadrol, etc.),, and back then my blood pressure was just fine.
now I'm not eating much, I'm light and thin, and I'm barely on any gear at all and my BP is constantly 170/100.
the other night I woke up with a nose bleed that poured (not dripped) blood for 5 hours straight (filled up an entire sink,, guessing was at least 2 pints). thats basically 2 blood donations done in one shot, so I'm good in that regards for awhile and won't donate blood again for a year or more.
I've been on Atenolol (heart/bp meds) for 2 years. my BP has always been pretty in check since getting on that.
I just started up a measly 500mg of EQ and 200mg of Tren cycle.. which really shouldn't phase me compared to past cycles.
so kinda at a loss here as to what to do.. I can't lose water weight (I had just lost 25 pounds), I'm only running dry compounds with no test, my diet is fairly clean and not calorie excessive. add more BP meds ? pull the plug on the cycle (EQ and Tren have both been known to raise BP for some guys, but never have for me)?
I'm guessing the cause is stress. lots going on and lots of stress last couple months. never thought I'd have BP issues on such a mild cycle after losing weight . just seems really odd to me