Hello Everyone,

I'm on week 14 of Test E @ approx 500mg p/wk. Beginning around week 10, my testes began to randomly ache. It's week 14 and they're still randomly aching. Weeks 1-9 I felt absolutely no aching from my testes, literally zero. I'd describe the feeling as someone lightly kicking me in the nuts. It's getting a little annoying. I was hoping at some point the feeling would go away. Is this something I have to live with while cycling? I imagine being shut down is the reason I'm experiencing this? So even if I were to cruise, I could still have this issue, correct?

2nd part. I'm planning a 2nd cycle soon (500/500 Test E/NPP). Before the 2nd cycle I need to cut down a little bit. Maybe 1-2 months of cutting. I'm currently around 16-17% and I'd like to get to 13-15% before starting cycle 2. Would it be a waste of Test if I continue the 1st cycle while I cut down (versus a cruising dose)? 500mg of Test feels pretty mild to me, hell it feels normal to me at this point. I don't want to PCT at this point because I want to start the 2nd cycle soon as I cut down. The thing is I'm not sure if I'm going to cruise for the rest of my life. At some point I was planning on PCT'ing. And I do understand when I end up PCT'ing, if I happen to be an unlucky one & can't fully recover I'll have no choice but to cruise - but one thing at a time here. Stats: 37 years old, 5'8, 193ish lbs, about 16-17% bf at the moment.

Appreciate any advice/help!