My job does random urines like once/3 months and before the appointment they take your vitals. Been about 6 weeks for me on Tren A and when I went to my appointment today my BP was 193/92. They waited 10 mins and took it again and it was still right around there.
I'm currently taking 50mg/ED of Tren A, 600mg/week Test E, 50mg Proviron/day, and 3 iu of growth/day.
When I was just on Test with nothing else my BP was fine, a little high maybe 132/85, etc, nothing too bad though. Do you guys think the raise in BP is DEFINITELY the Tren? Could it be the HgH or Proviron?
I'm really stuck bc im starting to see amazing results from the Tren. This is my first Tren cycle and I've put on lean mass, I'm stronger, just looking dope asf. I really don't WANT to stop it, but I will if I have to. Also I've felt fine for the most part. A little lost sleep, sweats and some cardio issues, but nothing too major. This is why I was so surprised to see my BP so high, I feel like I would feel it if it was that high but I've been feeling mostly ok.
Before anyone chimes in, I know that muscles or looking good or being big is not worth my life or damaging my heart, I get it. That's the whole reason for this post, I care about my health and want to do what's best.
After the appointment I immediately went and bought a really good magnesium supplement, some beet root powder, and I am going to start taking Cialis 10mg/Ed to lower BP. Also going to lower the Tren to about 40mg/day and discontinue the GH, as I only have about half kit left and I'm not doing more after this one anyway. I bought a home BP cuff to start taking it regularly.
Do you guys think this will be enough to get the BP under control? Should I try all these things first then monitor by BP, or just stop the Tren now, no questions asked?
Are there any other compounds that will give me similar results to Tren without the BP issues? Like I said, on Test I don't really have a problem so I know my body doesn't react this way to all AAs, Tren just seems to be a bad one.
Any advice, thoughts, or ideas are welcome. I'm very worried, I know this BP is VERY high, it's not just a little high, and I care about my health. I don't compete or anything so there's no real NEED to be on Tren, I just wanted to try it. Please help guys thank you.