Kind of weird Blood work results. Most everything else in normal range.

180/Test Week & 2iu GH (Generic)

I did take .4mg Anastrozol (liquid) about a week before I did blood work. I had a small lump on my left nipple. Which went away almost immediately after the AI. I do not use AI regularly. Maybe five times total ever. Only if a lump or tenderness shows up. And it's always a one-time use of a minimal amount.

1501 - Total T
Free T - 282
9 - Estradiol

Previous blood work:
(Don't remember what this was on unfortunately. But most likely 200 Test a week, nothing else)
*Never used AI

1615 - Total T
Free T - 562
75 - Estradiol

Felt great with the high estrogen and zero side effects.

Could it be that I respond extremely well to AI, or does GH have any effect at all on free T and estrogen?