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Thread: sweetners to replace sugar any good

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up sweetners to replace sugar any good

    hi guys is sweetners any good to replace table sugar, and does it promote insuline rise in the body???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    They are meant to be better than sugar but for some reason I remember something about aspartamine and its effect on the body.I,ll have to check bro can,t remember - sorry


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yes, they do help but don't over do it. I use them in all of my cooking when dieting. They only time I use real sugar is in my post workout drink. I don't use table sugar (obviously) I use dextrose which I buy in bulk at a home brewery store. 2 scoops of whey + 1 scoop of dextrose. Sweet and chocolaty and gives a nice insulin spike after intense training.

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    check out splenda - it's a product made BY sugar - it's actually sugar just with a slightly different molecular sugar - very interesting - I think the website is

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I remember now it was that sweetners were made from two different things aspartame and saccharin and the latter was meant to contain a cancer causing agent but it was never proved.
    I,d go easy on both or just don,t use either most foods have enough sweetners in them anyway


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Fraid Billy is right they will scare us with Cancer anyway they can! Steer clear of table sugar and sweetners if poss. It is good in an after workout drink because this is when you need the insulin spike, Not first think in the morning on your cereal as you will only crash later! (if you use it in excess of course LOL)

    If you feel like you need something sweet sprinkle protein powder on things just an idea i know i sound like Bill Philips now so ill shut up!
    Ms Figure

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    honestly you guys dont know what you're's pretty incredible - I cant even stomach diet sodas - dont do any of the artificial sweeteners - but this stuff really tastes like sugar without the after taste of nutri sweet and equal etc etc

    check it out

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Talking wel the one i use are aspartame free its more sucralose

    i found out that they whey protein i am taking has sucralose in it.

    I guess its better to take a cup of black coffee when you wanna cut up and add some sweetners to cut the sugar rage then go to the candy machine and buy 2 candy bars.

    a difference of 800 calories., i just dont want my insuline levels to go sky high and store bodyfat, i really wanna work to lose my lovehandles but i got to make it somekind of fun so i wont give up.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Im with you Mike I hate Diet soda and nutra sweet the after taste is horrible. I'll have to try that splenda stuff. Although Im not really into sweet things.

    My wife just started me on Crystal Light occasionally. I was surprised that had no after taste.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Try Fruitose

    You guy's need to try Fruitose. You can find it in the grocery store near the sugar. It does cost more, but you can not tell the difference between it and the real thing. And to clear up the statement concerning cancer and artificial sweeteneres, yes the has been conclusive evidence indicating cancer and various other illness with products such as sweet-n-low. So much in fact that they were forced to print warning labels on the package in the fine print. Check it out. Other products such as Nutrs-Sweet have been contributed to stokes and cancer although I do not belive that they have any type of warning label as of to date.
    And remember that their are many forms of sugar in which you may get from various fruits and vegetables. I am not implying that these should be avoided, however, they should be taken into consideration while calculating ones caloric intake.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Screw all this nonsense and like Mike said, get some Splenda. I have a box of it right next to me, Ingredientsextrose,Maltodextrin,Sucralose
    It's made from sugar, but the molecular structure is altered as to not cause insulin to be released. It has 0 calories, just don't overdo anythiny.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by Mike
    check out splenda - it's a product made BY sugar - it's actually sugar just with a slightly different molecular sugar - very interesting - I think the website is

    I use this stuff daily in my oatmeal, coffee, and even sprinkled on my cottage chesse, it make it taste so much betta. It contains no apartame and taste awesome, i also use it to replace sugar in baking and so forth. GOOD SHIT!!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    South Carolina
    Yep I agree with the splenda...oh and did you guys know that saccarine has been taken off the list as possible cancer causing. Remember the early 80's, the lab rats and cancer. Well for you and I to get the amount of saccarine they gave these rats we would have to drink 5 bathtubs full of saccarine sweetend drink. This year after 10 years of study, they've taken it off the list...not enough evidence. Hmmm

  14. #14
    Mike Guest
    yeah it has been taken off that list - was just a big scare mostly

    Hey guys - I have a 'challenge' if you will

    Someone very close to me happens to be a Type 2 diabetic w/ high cholesterol - if you could come up with some recipes for Splenda that are NOT on the website (there isnt a lot of em and they're not that great) I would be VERY appreciative

    Honestly - it would really mean a lot if anyone here has experience cooking cookies or whatever with Splenda - I need something new I can try


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by dumbells101
    Well for you and I to get the amount of saccarine they gave these rats we would have to drink 5 bathtubs full of saccarine sweetend drink.
    Whew!!!!! Two years ago I drank three bathtubs full of saccarine sweetend Kool-Aid, through a bendy straw in 3 hours on a dare.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Mike, My Father in law is diabetic. I'm pretty sure it will only be a matter of time before my wife will be diagnosed also. She has some sweet stuff she made for her dad. I'll ask her for the recipes.

    I would like to get some more also. Maybe we should start a thread in the Diet Forum. If there's not one there before I get the recipes, I'll start one and PM you.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Mike I'll grt cracking on those reciepes. I think I know where some are and I'll post them by the end of the weekend.

  18. #18
    Mike Guest
    Thanks a lot guys - and Pete you are a funny funny boy....

    I will start a thread now....

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