Just got a few questions on my lab results and was wondering where or who the AR site I can go to.
Just got a few questions on my lab results and was wondering where or who the AR site I can go to.
of all healthy ranges for all bloodwork done and explinations as to what each range means or can signify. it's in my office at home and i'm at work now.i can go over that stuff later though
the bloodwork itself should have a printout of all the readings along with the ranges that each should belong in. does it not?
what exactly do you want to talk about ??
btw, how are things goin ?
That works. I went over a little bit with the doc. We mostly talked about the highlighted stuff. The stuff that was higher or lower that the average.Originally Posted by partyboynyc
Things are tough. Started dieting for the July show and it is kicking my butt.Originally Posted by KeyMastur
It does have a print out but alot of it has abbrevations and I don't know what they stand for. Example RDW, Polys and so on. I would just like to go over it with someone who has time. The doc was busy.
The ranges are on the sheet.
Put it into some format and email it or post it..
Doc M
Originally Posted by Doc M
I will do it tomorrow. Thanks.
Post it, if you don't mind......as it can be good for others to see too.Originally Posted by Captainutrition
here's what mine was last fall. anything off there you're wanting to know what it is ?
here it is, in two parts.
Originally Posted by KeyMastur
KeyMastur - Thank you!
DocM - KeyMastur was kind enough to post my report since I couldn't figure out how to do it. What do you think?
Well, your liver's getting a workout if your AST and ALT are elevated like that... when there is liver damage the dead liver cells produce AST and ALT.
Also, your neutrophils are high in relation to other white blood cells (the line that says Polys) but for guys that work out a lot that's not too suprising. Neutrophils (the long name is polymorphonuclear leukocyte) are mature white blood cells, which mean you don't have any major infections that are killing off WBCs.
DocM can probably provide some more insight than the basics that I can.
Any help on the break down of what that document says works. The doctor knows exactly what my past and present are and he has I'm doing fine. Did an EKG and he wants me to get an echo-cardio-gram (however you spell that). The nurse says that the EKG shows that the heart might be enlarged....might be. The doctor said that it's not urgent that we get one done now but the sooner the better. The reason me not getting one is a little thing called $500.00. Anyways.....every little explantaion on the report is welcome.Originally Posted by navydevildoc
yeah the ECG (echocardiogram) is ultrasound - much like when the doc cehcks up on the health of your baby (while your wife is pregnant of course)
captain..After spending some time reviewing your test results, I would have to be in total agreement with your treating Physician..Although the ranges can vary from lab to lab and are often looked at a little differently by each individual Physician, the overall results of your test are good/average..
Although you do have elevated SGOT(AST) and SGPT(ALT), they are within a safe range..Many things can influence these readings..Alcohol, heavy physical exertion(weight training), age, excessive OTC Tylenol(acetaminophen) which is often the case of elevated levels because it is used more excessively then people realize..
Overall, you look healthy from a report standpoint..I do however strongly believe this diagnostic tool is only one small piece in making a determination on a patient's health..We send patients for this particular workup prior to EVERY surgical procedure so I see these results on a daily basis and yours is well within normal limits..I would suggest you put the money together for the followup tests your Doctor has recommended as an enlarged heart can cause complications, especially during times of physical exertion and stress..If you have any more questions, or if anyone does that is reading this thread, post it in the threadand I will look back to answer..
Doc M
Thanks for looking. I'll get with ya on the questions. Kinda busy at work right now.Originally Posted by Doc M
Capt, great that you're getting the complete review and taking care of yourself!
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