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Thread: Tired of the fu"king sterio type!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    north carloina

    Tired of the fu"king sterio type!!!!!!!!

    OK,need to blow off some steam here!

    I went out with my girl last night for v-day ,had to do it then have to work tonight, red lobster was packed.Well she was dressed to kill like always,I had on a pair of jeans and a black-t , When we came in and added our name to the wait list ,this little prick asked me if i was in the armed forces,I said no,there were the usal looks and snickers,He then asked if i was a body builder or something ,I just said that i work out and try to keep in good shape. He replys that one of his friends takes roids to !!!!!!!!
    My girl was so pissed ,she went off ,since i havent been on any thing in over 3 years,and havent been able to train for the last 2 1/2 of them. She told the little geek that he was just jelious that he didnt look that good and he didnt have a lady that looked like her,since he was with this fat cow.He proceeds to call he a bitch and then i went off ,someone can say what they please to me but call my lady a bitch,no way in hell !!!!!!!!! I proceeded to pick his little ass up by his throat and slam him into the wall ! Here comes the manager wich i knew and outher employees ,to brake it up ,if you ever met me or my girl you would think we were the nicest people you would ever meet,just tired of the big ,dumb,juice head sterio type shit .Me and my girl both have degrees and are nice people,bull shit we cant even go out and have a nice dinner with out some prick causeing problems !!!!!!!

    Thanks for leting me get this out ! gymnut

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I would have just smiled half the time they want you to do what you did then they refer to it as roid rage.

    Must admit I,m not sure what i would do if someone called my g,f a bitch.............yes I,d like to think I would leave it but I doubt if I would

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    north carloina
    Well normaly I would have ,but we just got ingaged a little wile ago ,it was our first v-day since and I have finally found someone that i want to be with till i am old and gray,tryed to look the outher way but just couldnt take the bitch comment I guess bad timeing on his part ,or mine . gymnut

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla


    Dude, I don't care what they say about me, but if they dissed my boyfriend (or in your case your girlfriend) I think you have every right to go after them. Now how you go after them is up to debate....I personally wouldn't have touched anyone else, but my mouth sure would have not been quiet.

    You are sorta lucky the police weren't called, because no matter what someone says with their mouth, if you touch someone else you can be arrested for assualt & battery.

    Still I understand how you feel and know why you reacted that way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    Originally posted by Canes4Ever
    You are sorta lucky the police weren't called, because no matter what someone says with their mouth, if you touch someone else you can be arrested for assualt & battery. Still I understand how you feel and know why you reacted that way.
    It's always nice to see, in the middle of insanity, when someone makes a statement that is right on the mark. So I think I'll add a few . . .

    Every so often, we see threads rangnig from "My first fist fight on roids" to "I kicked a guy's ass because he insulted my girlfriend . . ."

    All I can say is that you little boys must make your parents proud. (Sorry. My tongue got stuck in my cheek for a second.)

    So, for what it's worth, here's a little more input . . .

    First, there is no excuse for throwing the first punch. Ever. I can tell you that your girlfriend is a slut and that your momma wears army boots, but the second you engage in physical action, you are the one who is wrong. That's the way the law sees it, and if you punch first, you may be the lucky bastard who hits someone who is hipper than you and who can turn your life into a nightmare. Fights may be entertaining, but I've thoroughly gotten my jollies from seeing idiots like you pay heavy legal dues, and it's far mre entertaining than the fight itself.

    Second, if you're that willing to fight, your reputation will go down in the eyes of your friends. You see, not everyone is as big an asshole as you are. And they realize that you could just as easily be whomping on them as you are on someone else.

    Third, this is the 21st century, dudes. And if someone insults your girlfriend, wife, or momma, tough. Women have demanded and received an equal role in society. And today, the term bitch refers equally to women and men (yes, both as a verb and a noun). Get used to it. It is not your responsibility to throw a punch when a woman close to you is insulted. Assuming she is not physically assaulted in front of you (in which case it would be perfectly appropriate to kick ass), give her some credit - she can probably handle being insulted better than you can. Like I said, bro's, it's 2002, and men are not the protectors of the weaker sex anymore - because women are not the weaker sex anymore. Chivalry is cool, chauvinism is not, and to have an "I'll save your virtue, honey" mentality is trés passé, o fellow roid heads.

    Next point: Learn to laugh. Hysterically. Really. It bugs the shit out of people. If someone insults you, laugh your ass off. It will bug him more than any punch you can throw, and it won't have the legal repurcussions that hitting him will have. And if you really want to screw with his head, master the art of shaking your head with a shit-eating grin on your face. It communicates non-verbally that you think your opponent is an idiot and will bug him even more than an hysterical laugh.

    Next, before throwing a punch, stop a second, take a breath, and ask yourself if it's worth it in the big picture. I've never lost a fight (and am proud to say that I've avoided them far more than I have been involved in them), but I know that every time I've punched someone in the face, it has hurt me more than it hurt the other guy. When you're not in a structured boxing situation and you go whompping on someone, your hand will generally hurt more than you think. Moreover, if someone lands a good punch on you, do you really think that your peeers or colleagues will admire you the next morning when they ask, "Hey, dude, what happened to you?" and hear your explanation?

    Finally, remember that if you get involved in a fight, even if you are big and bulked, you might lose. Like I said, I've never lost a fight. I'd like to be able to tell you that it's because I'm a great fighter, but that wouldn't be true. I don't know shit about fighting. But it's like the fax who was chasing the rabbit and couldn't catch him. When asked how he let the rabbit escape, the fox replied, "Dude, I was only running for my dinner. But he was running for his life." The reason I've always won isn't that I'm a good fighter; it's because I assume the other guy is a good fighter, and that he knows when to land a punch versus when to pull a punch. Well, I don't know when to pull a punch, so I'll do everything I can to end the fight, period. But one thing on which you can bet your ass - I have never been, and will never be, the one to throw the first punch.

    One of the things that is unusual about this board is the wide diversity in the members - a wide range in everything from age to occupation to background. And when it comes to AS, BB, and related subjects, you guys without much experience are cool about tapping into those of us who have more experience. That's what it's all about - trading information, being supportive, and kicking each other in the butt in an encouraging sort of way. I've noticed that many of the guys (and yes, it's always guys - women don't need to do this shit unless they're on the Jerry Springer Show) who write about fighting, kicking ass, and whomping on others tend to be on the younger side. Well, bro's, if you are willing to listen to us about how to build your bodies, give a listen on how not to screw them up: fighting makes you look like an asshole. Bragging about a fight (regardless of whether you won on lost) makes you look like a bigger asshole.

    End of tirade. Now, a brief comment directly to gymnut4u. You fucked up. Now admit it and move on. It's not, as you wrote, "I guess bad timeing on his part, or mine . . ." You just fucked up, period. And if you really want to be a big man, admit it. Without adding the word but (as in "I fucked up, but it was his fault . . ."). Realize, bro, I'm not trying to trash you here - we're all human, and we all fuck up. But when we do, the important thing is not to let it happen again. I don't want to lay a religious trip on you, but I can't think about a better example than what Jesus said to the woman taken in adultery - "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more." All too often we quote the first part of the statement and neglect the second part.

    You're lucky in two ways, gymnut4u. First, you got out of that situation without negative ramifications. You know that you could have had your own ass kicked in, or you could have been busted. Hell, if you're employed and your boss happened to be in that restaurant, you also could have been canned.

    Second, you may be lucky to have that lady in your lfie. You say she "went off," but at least she was hip enough to do it verbally instead of physically. And it sounds like her statement had more of the desired effect on the others than your actions did. Seriously, bro, discuss the incident with her - is she proud of your actions? (If she is, then I take my statement about her back. Because most women get both embarrassed and mighty pissed if their boyfriends/husbands/SO's go whomppin' on people, especially in their presence.) If, as you say, this is the beginning of a lifelong relationship, set the right precedents now. If this is the woman with whom you want to have children, ask yourself what kind of example you want to set in a restaurant for those children and start setting it now. It's a lifelong gig, bro, and I wish you well.

    And if you want to kick my ass, sorry - you'll have to throw the first punch.

    (Alright, I'll digress . . . I do think that one of the great lines in the movies was Emilio Estevez in The Breakfast Club. When challenged to fight by Judd Nelson's character, Estevez said, "I only need two hits. I hit you, you hit the floor." Funny as hell, but usually not accurate.)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm probably going to get in trouble here, but I'm behind gymnut4u all the way. That guy had no right to talk to you or your girlfriend that way. Rest assured, if I was there and heard that conversation, without having ever met you, I would have backed you up if his buddies jumped in or if he was kicking your ass. A lot of people today are completely disrespectful and its because they don't suffer any consequences for their actions. Although I will say, if you would have been more aggressive in the beginning, he would have backed off. He saw that you were a nice guy. He saw a weakness and thought he could exploit it, but you showed him up. If everyone acted like you in this country, people as a whole would be a lot more respectful.

    Personally, the only time I'm nice to someone is if they showed me respect. The rest of the time, to everyone else, I'm a hungry animal. I used to be nice all the time, and I got pushed around and taken advange of. Remember, we are an animal species. It is nature taking its course for the strong to exploit the weak. It's like that in every species. But we have something every other species does not have; a concept of good and evil. Remember the difference between good and evil. Evil lusts for power and exploits all those weaker than himself. Good achieves power and destroys evil. As far as I'm concerned, all those who are disrespectful are evil. That guy should consider himself lucky. If he talked to me that way, he would have needed to go to an ER after I was done with him. My hat goes off to you.

    I'll tell you something else too. Even if he was 300 pounds ripped, you should have cracked him a few times. If you loose, so what, then you go down fighting. Even 300 pound ripped guys don't want to be punched in the face, so even if he won, he still learned that maybe he should be more respectful to people because next time he may not be so lucky. Everyone can loose a fight.

    As for legal consequences, I know criminal law backwords and forwords, and it would have gone nowhere. Worst case scenario you would get charged with harrasment, or possibly simple assult (which are both misdemeanors, at least here in Pennsylvania, which means a fine for your 1st, 2nd, and probably even 3rd offence). But he could also get arrested. He could be charged with harrassment for calling your girl a bitch, and if he approached you in any intimidating mannor, he could get nailed with harrassment against you as well. BUT, in order to be charged with harrassment OR simple assult, someone has to file a criminal lawsuit against the other, the decision is not up to the police. If he told the police he wanted you arrested, you could tell the cops that you want him arrested, and you both would go to jail, well, I doupt jail, you would probably entered into the system, fingerprinted, and then told when to appear in court and told to call someone for a ride home(but honestly who is gonna file criminal charges if criminal charges are gonna be filed against them).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    TNT you couldn't have said it better. If ever i have any thoughts about throwing the first punch...i will turn to this thread.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    As for legal consequences, I know criminal law backwords and forwords, and it would have gone nowhere. Worst case scenario you would get charged with harrasment, or possibly simple assult (which are both misdemeanors, at least here in Pennsylvania,
    True Veg: but both offense's you can get probation for in Pa.
    I got simple assult 3 yrs ago for punching a pizza delievery guy in the face (long story). Result: Name in the paper. $800 fine. 1 year of probation (piss test's every month, not being allowed in a bar etc...). Not to mention the attoryneys fees. Definetly not worth it!!!!!!
    If I ever do hit anyone again it will be in selfdefense. Not just because some asshole mouths off to me or my g/f.
    I know where your coming from Gym. But TNT has a good point about throwing the 1st punch.
    Next time just laugh at jerkoffs like that. There not worth it.....


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    You say its 2002 and woman are treated equal. WTF?
    Are you saying its ok for that guy to disrespect a woman like that?
    IF that was me i wouldnt have thrown a punch "he didnt either"
    but i woulda unleashed a hell that would make the prick piss his pants or maybe if he had enough balls throw a punch at me. All i gota say is i was raised old school someone disrespects a woman if you know her or not you teach the offender a lesson he wont soon forget. if you dont what will stop him from doing it again? in my eyes society is too P.C . we need to get old school justice back in effect.
    now im not the smartest guy maybe i misunderstood tnt's post?
    but that prick sinned and should have bin punished .
    Last edited by RageControl; 02-14-2002 at 07:19 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    north carloina
    Ok tnt I will give you this much I did lose my head and did grab the guy and could have faced a sinple charge, but on the outher hand I did look the outher way for quite a wile and so did she and he did get up and come over to us and call her a bitch,U may be p.c but I dont think you would have just laughed it off and by the way I am no little boy by anymeans ,and didnt hit him ,just scared some respect into him or maybe not who can say ,as for me I gave him alot of slack that most would have not ,and i dont regret it ,but alot of what you said is true! gymnut

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    north carloina
    Thanks mando,diesel,vegeta,rage --nice to see there are some of us real men left out here,I have the right to go out and be in public with out a hassel.I didnt post this for aproval of my actions or to brag ,just get everones take on how people sterotype bodybuilders. Thanks gymnut

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    MBaraso, can you tell us the pizza story. Sounds like it is interesting If you don't mind.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Well Terinox....Just for you I'll make it short and sweet.
    3 yrs ago I came home from a bar pretty well lit up. Ordered some cheese frys and gravy w/ a hogie. Delivery guy came and I didn't have any $ in my wallet (cuz I spent it all at the bar) so I told him to put it on our account (my dads company had accounts w/ several local business's for the office personal) so he said "NO, go get some $ and I'll come back". Needless to say an arguement insued and he ended up throwing the food at me (cheese frys and gravy went all over me). So I did what any drunken fool would: Punched him in the face,and threw him off the porch. I guess he went back to the shop and called the cops. It didn't help matters being that the chief of police owned the pizza shop That's pretty much it.
    No it wasn't a roid rage either. Just a stupid mistake that I would NEVER repeat again.
    End result: Name in the paper (front page-I live in a small town). $800 fine. 1 year of probation (piss test's every month, not being allowed in a bars etc...).


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool The Usual Elaborations . . .

    Okay, campers, it's late, but I'll try to briefly address your comments if I can catch them all . . .

    Gymnut, in your first post, you said, "I proceeded to pick his little ass up by his throat and slam him into the wall!" That's pretty specific, and whether or not you hit the guy, you did make physical contact. Notwithstanding Vegeta990 (who, I'm afraid, is not an expert on criminal law), you made contact first. As you may be aware, there is a difference between assault and battery. If I throw a punch at you but stop short of making contact, it's assault. If I make contact, it's battery. You may not have thrown a punch, but by making any kind of contact, including "slamming into a wall," you were guilty of assult and battery. Be thankful the guy was too much of a putz to push it.

    Message to all: Some of us read every word you write and take you literally. You can't say in one breath, "I slammed him," and in the next breath, "I never hit him." It doesn't jive. Guys, as some of you mellow out with age, one thing you'll learn is not to exaggerate. It amount to bullshit, and it's too easy to get called on.

    Vegeta990, we obviously have a diversity of opinion on the proper course of action as well as the ramifications and consequences. But one thing I would comment on is your notion of being nice versus not being nice. I believe ths best commentary I ever heard on this issue came from Patrick Swayze in his role as a bouncer in the flick Road House. When training the other bouncers in the bar that employed him, he gave his cardinal rules, one of which was, "Be nice. Even [when the other guy is a dickhead], [i]always[i/] be nice. Be nice . . . until it's time not to be nice."

    Remember, you can always catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and you will always get better results by being nice. I suggest that if anyone wants to be not nice prematurely, they're out to get their pugalistic jollies by instigating a fight in the first place.

    RageControll, you did not misunderstand me at all, and it has nothing to do with being politically correct. You are no more your sister's keeper than you are your brother's keeper. And you are equally your brother's keeper as you are your sister's. Gender has nothing to do with it. I would defend - physically, if necessary - anyone who is weaker, regardless of gender. But I would not patronize a woman by assuming she is not able to skewer someone verbally herself unless she has indicated a need for help. Women today are quite self-sufficient, and may not need your protectionism.

    So is it "OK for a guy to disrepect a woman like that?" Of course not. It's not OK for a guy to disrespect anyone like that, including both Gymnut and his girlfriend. But gender is not the issue, lack of respect and how we deal with it is the issue.

    MBaraso, great story about the pizza dude. But if he threw the food at you first, theh he was guilty of assault and battery. In my mind, you only made one mistake - you should have been the one to call the cops. Rule number one: The guy who calls the cops first is the guy who has to pay less dues. It's not always right, but it is reality. And don't spend all your money at the bar when you're hungry, bro - you can't rationalize that scenario in the first place.

    Finally, a clarification on the legal issues . . . MBaraso is right, Vegeta990 is wrong. End of story. Ah, what the hell . . . I don't want to seem like I'm putting Vegeta990 down, since our disagreement on how to handle things is an honest one, and I appreciate his statements. Even though they're wrong. (Really, dude, you do make a few valid points.) But the legal issues are as I outlined them, and the police do not need a criminal complaint from an individual to press charges. Remember, whether or not someone complains, it's always the state that presses charges in a criminal case, not an individual. (Individual may sue under civil law, not criminal law.)

    I have no desire to get into a pissing contest - in fact, that is precisely what I am advocating against. However, when someone writes, "I know criminal law backwords and forwords [sic], and it would have gone nowhere," I'm forced to ask how the writer knows so much about the law. Is the writer a lawyer, or has the writer had some, um, "personal" experience in the criminal justice system? I'm not trying to whip anything out and check it with a ruler, but I'll tell you right up front how I know about legal issues: From teaching law for six years - to both attorneys and law enforcement professionals. Vegeta990, I respect your opinions, bro, but forgive me if I have to err on the side of accuracy when it comes to fact lest our readers be led down the path to the depths of degradation. (Damn, I love that line! I wish I could say it's original, but it's from The Music Man.)

    Past that point, we can agree do disagree agreeably. Or, if y'all want, I also live in Pennsylvania. Maybe Vegeta990, MBaraso, and I can all get together and kick the crap out of each other. After signing legal waivers, of course. Nah . . . It's been done. It was called Fight Club. (And right now there are 50 guys sitting back and thinking, "Damn! I loved that movie!)

    Seriously, everyone, there will never be agreement amongst all of us on this issue. All I ask is that we keep the discussion civil, preferably injected with a good dose of humor. It's what makes A.R. different than any other AS board out there. And if you can't handle that, I'll kick your . . . (Say good night, Gracie.)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    You're right.....

    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    TNT you couldn't have said it better. If ever i have any thoughts about throwing the first punch...i will turn to this thread.
    I'll 2nd this...TNT you were spot on with your assessment.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    north carloina
    Forget it guys sorry I even posted it , wasnt ment to cause a prob, just wanted to get some feel if anyone else had this type of bullsh~t happen to them in the past,The guy got up and aproched me and her and called her a bitch ,could have or should have handeled it in another way maybe, I would still have grabbed his punk ass for doing it ! Thanks for all the posts and your advice ! I never bullshit or exaggerate,have no need to ,No flame to anyone ! gymnut
    Last edited by gymnut4u; 02-15-2002 at 12:02 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    Re: The Usual Elaborations . . .

    Originally posted by TNT
    Seriously, everyone, there will never be agreement amongst all of us on this issue. All I ask is that we keep the discussion civil, preferably injected with a good dose of humor. It's what makes A.R. different than any other AS board out there. And if you can't handle that, I'll kick your . . . (Say good night, Gracie.)
    Goodnite Gracie.......

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Just use the pee wee herman approach "I know you but what am I" Gets em everytime LOL

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ok (Vegeta crackes his knuckles, getting ready to get down to business).
    MBaraso, 1st of all, the reason you got probation was because you were drunk. if that inncident happened when you were sober, I doupt that would have happened, of course you didn't help yourself any by screwing with somebody whos in good w/ the cops. and if you did call the police first, you still would have been in a world of sh** because cops are not tolerant of people who call them when they are intoxicated. Because gymnut4u's case did not involve alcohol, probation may have been considered, but it would not be applied.

    Now on to the real case: TNT:
    Ok, its hard to get mad at you bacause you make me laugh (not at you, just your humor). and yes it is obvious that we have a difference of opinion.

    You are right about the diffference between criminal law and civil law, I made a mistake, however, a case cannot be prosecuted without a victim ie. the victim has to get on the stand and say he did it. If both people involved in the fight were both victims (such as in this case) almost all of time both agree that they don't want anything done, and the police drop the case.

    As for me, my knowledge of the criminal justice system is not from personal experience. I am a senior in college with a major in Criminal Justice and Psychology and a minor in socology. I have taken all of my classes for ciminal justice, so im done with that major. Just to make everyone here feel more at ease i plan to enter the service and then become a cop. And for your information TNT, a lot of my knowledge of the CJ system comes from men in the field, one of which was a great man which has since retired from the state trial bench.
    I have also done an internship with the police department of a class 3 city and I a few members of my family are cops (my cousin and brother). I myself would be a lawyer except I could not go before the man and tell him that I helped the guilty escape persecution for the all mighty dollar.

    As for teaching law, I must say, I'm impressed. I have read many of your posts and you are an educated man. I know that I have missed out in something by not attending one of your classes. However, our differences are not unique. We have about as much in common as Democrat and Republican senators. The end goal is the same, but we disagree on how to get there.

    HAHAHA bring it on...I love this!!!
    gymnut4u, don't say your soory you ever posted this. This is a really good post, I'm loving this.

    Ding Ding Ding ladies and gentleman Please stay tuned for round two!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool A semi-brief reply . . . for me.

    Vegeta990, great answers. I thought the "know criminal law backwords and forwords [sic]" bit was a bit exaggerated, but you do have a decent background, and I wish you well on the force - we need both soldiers and cops like you.

    And Gymnut, I agree with the Veggie-dude. Don't ever regret having started this thread. It opened up a good dialogue, and I assure you that you'll survive it with no loss of reputation here.

    And to put it into perspective, so I don't come off like a self-righteous boob . . . Reining in a natural tendency to violence comes after many years of practice and self-temperment. Yeah, I can say firmly that I'll never throw the first punch, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to throw the first punch. Sometimes I would realy like to kick ass. But it's at those times I intentionally stop and let the rational take over for the emotional.

    If there's any one thing I'd try to communicate to y'all, it's this: Don't let any jive-ass, piss-ant, mofo "push your buttons" to the extent that you lose it. Because that's what it's all about. The dude in the restaurant who insulted Gymnut's girlfriend will never admit it, but he got what he asked for. He knew that he was pushing Gymnut's buttons (and his girlfriend's) and, unfortunately, it worked.

    I've done the same thing in the past - verbally psyched the other guy out so bad that he lost it physically before I did. And if any punches were thrown, it was the fault of the first guy to throw them. The truly great manipulator can pull that off with style - verbally pushing someone else into making the first move and looking like the asshole, regardless of whether he was right or wrong in the first place.

    So now that I've given away my strategy, I hope that all of you guys won't let me get away with it. Really. If I ever try to manipulate you into throwing the first punch, don't fall for it. Show that you're the better man (or woman) than me. Because it's the guy who refuses to throw that first punch that will always come out on top.

    End of sermon. And disagreements aside, I really love you guys. I just didn't want to say that yesterday (2/14), or you would have expected freakin' flowers and candy.

    P.S. Vegeta990? I've gotta ask about the origin of that user name. ("He slices, he dices, it's Vetega990!")

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    HAHAHA, so anotherwords, TNT is that guy that gymnut4u got in a fight with!!!! HAHAHAHA

    Just for the record, I love you guys too.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Lmao at getting probation cuz I was drunk. I got probation cuz I got 2 counts of simple assult. 1 for the broken nose he got and 1 for the busted head when I threw him off the porch. I would have gotten probation regardless if was drunk or not. Being drunk doesn't make matters any worse. He was wrong for throwing the food at me (which he denied and said he had a wittness in his car) But I was DEAD wrong for hitting him. And that was my point.
    I'm done w/ this thread lol


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC
    bro if that was me, I would of punched the fucker in the mouth. end of story

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Ok here's my 2c. Working as I do as a bouncer on the weekends I know all about turning the other cheek, but fuck me if I'll turn the other cheek if someone calls my wife a bitch or show's her any disrespect what so ever. I'll, or attempt to, batter the fucker within an inch of his life.
    Btw I don't believe in Roid Rage myself etc.. but some things just press the right button with some guy's, and it would appear as though like me your one of those guys here !.


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Right on mr.bouncer.

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