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Thread: Gear mixing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head

    Question Gear mixing

    2 quick questions bro's.

    1) can I use s 27 gage 1" needle to shoot 0.5cc of Test 250 in my butt?
    2) can I use the SAME needle to draw and shoot my deca and Test?
    - And if "YES", which one do I do first, the .5cc of test, then the deca, or vice a versa, or does it matter?

    Thanks Bro's

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    1) use a 23g, dont be a pansy

    2) NO bro, always use a different needle. Some people actually draw with one pin then change the pin to inject.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head
    Thanks bro. The gage or the pain isnt the problem bro. I just have an assload of the other needles thats all (the 1" ones).

    And So I can draw my test and deca using the same pin and vile and inject them together, but just change the pin for the injection? I think thats what you are trying to say right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    you really should have a 1.5 needle to shoot in the butt one would probaly work but 1.5 would be better the further you get it in there the better

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by Tryin2getHUGE
    27 gage 1" needle
    Where did you find 27g 1" needles? The only ones I've found are made by BD and are non-sterile/blunt tip. I can find sterile/regular tip 27g 1/2" and 1 1/4", but not 1".

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head
    A friend of mine is a partner in a new pharmacutical company. She gets ALL kinds of fun stuff. So do you think the 1" is ok for the "rear" inject?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by Tryin2getHUGE
    A friend of mine is a partner in a new pharmacutical company. She gets ALL kinds of fun stuff. So do you think the 1" is ok for the "rear" inject?
    If you have *very* little fat on your A$$ it should be fine. The needle just needs to be long enough to get into the muscle, 1 1/2" is just the default length for glutes. I know of one person who uses 25g 1" for glutes/quads and 27g 5/8" for everything else (mod).

    Can you find out the name of the company that manufactures those 1" piz and PM me? Not where *you* get them, just the name of the manufacturer (DB, Terumo etc.).
    Last edited by SV-1; 06-12-2004 at 05:06 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    maybe u can use the same needle to draw the liquids, but go ahead and change the needle before u inject. The reason is because although undetectable by the human eye, the needle actually dulls even when piercing soft rubber!! its better to change the needle for a less painful injection and less scarring. Look up the needle issue in the forum search and u will see some pictures of needles zoomed up close to show the dulling effect.

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