This is my second tren cycle and I've been on it for over a week now (tren only, 50mg/ed). What are these evil side-effects people vilify tren with?? insomnia? nope. fatigue? night sweats? nope. "fina cough"? haven't experienced it. aggression? nope.
Before I started my cycle I went to the PubMed database (*note 1) of medical studies and read every relevant abstract and available full study. Research on cattle showed trenbolone *reduced* aggression. It also showed that trenbolone treatment given to fully matured cattle would *not* cease their sperm production (maybe it slowed it down while they were on the "cycle," but that's the extent of it). All these myths about "tren rage" and "tren shuts you down hard!" are baloney. People who are getting rage and getting their hypothalamus pituitary axis shutdown "hard" are either talking out of their ass or stacking massive amounts of other steroids on top of the tren.
I have one more point to make. Studies found trenbolone given to cattle usually resulted in over a 15% increase in mass, and the concern was expressed that repeatedly treating the cattle might make the meat too *lean* for consumption. To put it in perspective, 15% of a 200lb guy is 30lbs of new muscle. But wait, I'm not done...
Think about this. What do cattle do all day? Do you think they go to the gym and eat protein bars? NO! They walk around a pasture eating GRASS. That's right, they get *minimal* protein. Before you go off saying they're a different animal, remember that first and foremost they are MAMMALS. They are built almost exactly like we are. All this concern about getting the right diet and 1.5g protein per lb of bodyweight is, again, baloney!
I <3 Tren.
The PubMed database is online at
Just go there and do a query for 'trenbolone'. Read the briefs, pick out the ones that are relvant, and you can read the abstracts. Some of the listings have full articles so you can view the formal statistics.