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Thread: Tren side-effects? BAH!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Tren side-effects? BAH!

    This is my second tren cycle and I've been on it for over a week now (tren only, 50mg/ed). What are these evil side-effects people vilify tren with?? insomnia? nope. fatigue? night sweats? nope. "fina cough"? haven't experienced it. aggression? nope.

    Before I started my cycle I went to the PubMed database (*note 1) of medical studies and read every relevant abstract and available full study. Research on cattle showed trenbolone *reduced* aggression. It also showed that trenbolone treatment given to fully matured cattle would *not* cease their sperm production (maybe it slowed it down while they were on the "cycle," but that's the extent of it). All these myths about "tren rage" and "tren shuts you down hard!" are baloney. People who are getting rage and getting their hypothalamus pituitary axis shutdown "hard" are either talking out of their ass or stacking massive amounts of other steroids on top of the tren.

    I have one more point to make. Studies found trenbolone given to cattle usually resulted in over a 15% increase in mass, and the concern was expressed that repeatedly treating the cattle might make the meat too *lean* for consumption. To put it in perspective, 15% of a 200lb guy is 30lbs of new muscle. But wait, I'm not done...

    Think about this. What do cattle do all day? Do you think they go to the gym and eat protein bars? NO! They walk around a pasture eating GRASS. That's right, they get *minimal* protein. Before you go off saying they're a different animal, remember that first and foremost they are MAMMALS. They are built almost exactly like we are. All this concern about getting the right diet and 1.5g protein per lb of bodyweight is, again, baloney!

    I <3 Tren.

    The PubMed database is online at
    Just go there and do a query for 'trenbolone'. Read the briefs, pick out the ones that are relvant, and you can read the abstracts. Some of the listings have full articles so you can view the formal statistics.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    OK......... When I ran fina/test cycle I had no aggression problems...... but I did have insomnia, night sweats, and it did shut me down......... not everyone is going to respond the way you do to fina.........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    OK......... When I ran fina/test cycle I had no aggression problems...... but I did have insomnia, night sweats, and it did shut me down......... not everyone is going to respond the way you do to fina.........
    how much of each were you running? just curious b/c i might run that kind of cycle and i dont want to get shut down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    This is what the cycle looked like:

    1 - 18 Enan 600mg/wk
    1 - 14 Fina 75mg ED
    1 - 18 Proviron 50mg ED
    1 - 18 Nolva 10mg ED
    1 - 18 L-dex .25mg ED
    1 - 18 B6 200mg ED

    PCT started 2 weeks after last Enan injection for 30 days

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    OK......... When I ran fina/test cycle I had no aggression problems...... but I did have insomnia, night sweats, and it did shut me down......... not everyone is going to respond the way you do to fina.........
    That's very true -- people respond differently to various substances. However, I'm still curious if people on tren-only cycles have these problems.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I've ran test cycles before that one without those problems so for me I would say yes FINA/Tren cause those sides and it wasn't the test........ If I wasn't using test or the Proviron I would have most likely also had libido type problems.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    High blood pressure is my biggest side effect with Tren.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX
    my tren only cycle resulted in testicular atrophy and loss of libido. i ran 75mg tren ed for five weeks and i don't think i will run it again without test now that i have a girlfriend. oh, and yes i get night sweats and slept like ****.

  9. #9
    i wouldn't touch tren with a twenty foot pole.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Im about to use it in my next cycle. The first time around, I had to quit the stuff because I couldn't take the sides and it freaked me out. Now that I am more educated, I hopefully will be able to deal with the sides. I had night sweats, and I couldn't sleep to name a few. I'm NOT looking forward to it, but I know It will be worth the pain and agony....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I love tren, and the only side effects I saw was increased aggression. But I do wonder what the dosage of tren per kg of bodymass in the cattle was, I bet it was much lower than what anyone of us takes. You will get more severe side effects as the dosage goes up. Another thing, cattle are not all that similar to we are, last time I checked I didn't have 4 stomachs. When they do research that is meant to be applied to humans usually they use mice, rats, or swine which are physiologically more similar to us than cows.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    at 75mg a day I just got a funny breathing issue it, at 100mg ed I saw gains no sides but the breathing issue maybe a slight headache

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    So I guess all the guys here on AR, myself included, saying they have experienced night sweats, insomnia and the fina cough are just making it up............tard

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I have the insomnia, i have the sweats. doing 75mg ED.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i have the insomnia, sweats, and aggression for sure. also, ziggy.... run tren alone... it'll be good for a laugh...

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ziggyj
    This is my second tren cycle and I've been on it for over a week now (tren only, 50mg/ed). What are these evil side-effects people vilify tren with?? insomnia? nope. fatigue? night sweats? nope. "fina cough"? haven't experienced it. aggression? nope.

    Before I started my cycle I went to the PubMed database (*note 1) of medical studies and read every relevant abstract and available full study. Research on cattle showed trenbolone *reduced* aggression. It also showed that trenbolone treatment given to fully matured cattle would *not* cease their sperm production (maybe it slowed it down while they were on the "cycle," but that's the extent of it). All these myths about "tren rage" and "tren shuts you down hard!" are baloney. People who are getting rage and getting their hypothalamus pituitary axis shutdown "hard" are either talking out of their ass or stacking massive amounts of other steroids on top of the tren.

    I have one more point to make. Studies found trenbolone given to cattle usually resulted in over a 15% increase in mass, and the concern was expressed that repeatedly treating the cattle might make the meat too *lean* for consumption. To put it in perspective, 15% of a 200lb guy is 30lbs of new muscle. But wait, I'm not done...

    Think about this. What do cattle do all day? Do you think they go to the gym and eat protein bars? NO! They walk around a pasture eating GRASS. That's right, they get *minimal* protein. Before you go off saying they're a different animal, remember that first and foremost they are MAMMALS. They are built almost exactly like we are. All this concern about getting the right diet and 1.5g protein per lb of bodyweight is, again, baloney!

    I <3 Tren.

    The PubMed database is online at
    Just go there and do a query for 'trenbolone'. Read the briefs, pick out the ones that are relvant, and you can read the abstracts. Some of the listings have full articles so you can view the formal statistics.
    Tren does do all of the things you claim is BS. The pubmed cattle studies are great, yeah, but they aren't completely applicable to us. Look at doses and durations (mg/Kg). Also, tren increasing prolactin levels is a real consequence. Elevated prolactin DOES have an inhibitory effect on HPTA. Tren, being an AAS, does directly affect HPTA too....sperm production and test production aren't one in the same.

    Also, a tren only cycle isn't a good idea. if you'll go reread your feed cattle studies, you'll realize that the most effective tren supplements have estrogen included in them. With your doing a tren only cycle, you're virtually depleting your body of estrogen and greatly reducing tren's anabolic effects.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    i did a tren only cycle and it shut me down hard. i had big time incresed aggression way more so than test and the incresed prolactin gave me some hoorible gyno and lactation. also no sex drive what soever. and at 21 that sint good. haha

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    i did a tren only cycle and it shut me down hard. i had big time incresed aggression way more so than test and the incresed prolactin gave me some hoorible gyno and lactation. also no sex drive what soever. and at 21 that sint good. haha
    LOL at any age that isn't good.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    hmmm, maybe your gear was fake???

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Cajun Country
    Quote Originally Posted by ziggyj
    Think about this. What do cattle do all day? Do you think they go to the gym and eat protein bars? NO! They walk around a pasture eating GRASS. That's right, they get *minimal* protein. Before you go off saying they're a different animal, remember that first and foremost they are MAMMALS. They are built almost exactly like we are. All this concern about getting the right diet and 1.5g protein per lb of bodyweight is, again, baloney!
    Cattle get there protein by digesting the bacteria that feed on the grass that they eat. The cattle don't actually live by eating grass, they live by digesting the bacteria that digest the grass that cattle eat. And I have also done tren, and I had night sweats, increased blood pressure, and had a hard time sleeping.

  21. #21
    cows also have rumens (sorry, had to chime in as well...)

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Not to mention UDDERS come to think of it.

  23. #23
    captain.......please help........ on the fina......haven't slept for weeks.........and i think i wet the bed everynight........

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