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Thread: Do test levels drop when you cum/have sex alot?

  1. #41
    srry yall i just herd that if u do u loose it so its a lie?

  2. #42
    taking equapoise wud it let out?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I also think that they raise

  4. #44
    so takin equigan/ equapoise it will not let my steroids out

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    Quote Originally Posted by workin out
    so takin equigan/ equapoise it will not let my steroids out
    NO!!...absolutly not...who thinks of these things?

  6. #46
    are u sure thank u for the information

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    there would be alot of people dragging a$$...

  8. #48
    so its not true?

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Cajun Country
    Steroids are in your muscles and in your blood stream. You don't piss, sh*t, sneeze, cough,pick, blow, or cream them out of your system. Do yourself a favor and learn to use the search tool. This topic has been covered ad nauseum.

  10. #50
    thank you micro appreciate it

  11. #51
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TRicKtOutT
    hmm I wanna kno too. I understand when ur not on a cycle, but when your on a cycle your nuts are shut down so you cant reproduce without your injections.... so while your on a cycle is it bad to bust one out??

    Whether you're nuts have down-regulated or will produce semen (the milky white fluid that nourishes and transports sperm)

    and NO your testosterone doesn't drop after ejaculation. If it were so I (and porn stars) would be 90pounds total body-weight..LOL

    Ejaculation precedes a mild Elevation in LH... and subsequently, testosterone levels

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Funny thread, while u are jacking off or having sex your testoterone levels raise a little bit, after u ejaculate they will return to normal within a couple of hours maximum, and u will feel lazy and wobbly because thats the euphoric like feeling ejaculating gives u. So i dont see how u can work out right after sex or masterbation because your intensity will be gone. And also the raise in test levels is too low and too short in duration to be considered 'performance enhancing'!!! so if u choose to keep believing its good for muscle gains then u would have to be physically masterbating while doing bicep curls to get the effect u want from your raised levels!! good luck finsing a gym that will let u do that on their benches!!!

  13. #53
    kaew but it will not let out da roids even on EQUIGAN EQUIPOISE?

  14. #54
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by workin out
    taking equapoise wud it let out?

    1.)I think you're a newbie trying to raise your post-count(makes no sense having 1000posts but haven't learnt anything..which appears to be the road you're taking; 20+ posts of zero content)

    2.)I think you should think your questions through so as not to waste time(posting the same badly worded question over and over)..a process further simplified by taking 5minutes to go to and query it...research and weigh ideas that you can come back here with an intelligently worded question

    3.)You've obviously internet access... use it

    4.)You say you're using equipoise..Personally i don't believe you are ready for drug-use.. Educate yourself first.If you're as mislead about other ideas as illustrated by your post... the chances of you misusing a compound are high

    5.)How old are you anyway?


  15. #55
    well am sorry for the incovienence is just dat sum dumb ass is tellin me yea dat u shud drink ure semen cuz it does let out and im like what the **** im sorry bout the posts i appreaciate every1s help im 19

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