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Thread: how would you take this cycle

  1. #1

    how would you take this cycle

    would you rather take 400mg Eq for 12 1/2weeks and 500 mg test E for 13 1/2 weeks...
    OR 500mg eq for 10 weeks and 625mg test E for 11 weeks??

    Also this would be 5th cycle... last 2 cycles was 500mg test E for 11 weeks and 400mg eq for 10 weeks...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Long Island, NY
    Bump for answers, but Everyones gonna tell you that you should be running EQ for at least 12 weeks. How were your results on your last two cycles

  3. #3
    Last results were great.. I didnt gain that much weight, but I also took winny at the end and I had veins all over my body when working out.. My neck, chest, arms, bicept, traps, shoulders... Veins where everywhere.. I was solid and hard as a rock.. And my strength was through the roof.. Heres the thing for this cycle.. I got 25cc for 200mg eq...and 27cc of 250mg test E... And it would be a hassle to get more.. So I will keep it at that.. I also heard before to run test one week longer then eq.... Id like to run the eq at 400mg for 12 weeks... But I also want a higher does of test, then 500mg.. Id like at least 625mg..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    id do first one laid out

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i'd do the second, ive run eq for 10 weeks with good results, and 400mg for me didn't do much

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