Any fight past 60 seconds was a dance and both men were scared to put forth 100%. In a street fighting sence. On the block I don't waste time with hitting someone in body, first eyes/temple, then neck then balls. Kidneys fall far in the latter but will take someone down. No rules fighting is about confidence and skill, athletic ability is great for distracting the oponent and gives you more weapons wich never hurt but a knife hand to the eye will end everyfight everytime.
Basic punching principles are this it starts in the toe. You should push with every muscle between the floor and your hand and alignthe radius and ulna with the middle and pointer finger bones. this alows for the maximum force appliead to the target. This is the basic str8 punch. Devistating and hard to see comming
A shot to the eye or even bridge will at bare minimum blind them for a moment to use a so you can hit a more vital spot. Throat shot is an instant winner too, if u can't breath its hard to keep swinging.
I've been in martial arts for 7 years and 3 different schools. I study theory and do a lot of work with bones and muscle operation. Trained a couple of students for a few months, but my schedual is too bizy. I also helped coach in my old highschools wrastlin' team for a year.
This thread started off as something about abbs and for my 2 cents abbs are a slab of muscle used to stabilize and in fighting have to be able to take impact repeatedly. They are the most undefended part because your weapons(arms/legs) aren't in dirrect defence of these parts. They have to be trained to be tough as nails but play little part in offence more in defence and the ability to evade and hold ground.