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Thread: EQ Hunger... WTF?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    EQ Hunger... WTF?

    How do all you bros that love EQ and run it all the time
    deal with this shiat??? It took about 7-8 weeks for me
    to experience this part of EQ...

    I can't eat enuf to stop this hunger pain feeling in my
    gut... I eat and 20-30mins later I fell like I haven't ate
    for a week... This shiat is plain crazy... I eat and eat
    and don't even feel like eating anymore, but this god
    **** empty hunger pain won't leave...

    It's back to Deca next time for me unless I'm cutting
    i guess... There's not enuf time in the day to eat enuf
    food to stop this feeling...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    **** is it really that bad? Im about to be on some soon, can't wait!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I always like to have protein powder on hand and take about 40g. about 20 minutes after I've ate. I dirink all natural apple juice with my protein shake, about 8oz., that's about 30g carbs, but it's all natural with no added sugar. This has really helped me curve my appetite for about an hour and a half until I'm ready to eat another whole food meal again. I like to rotate whole food meals and protein shakes and liquid meals.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yeah I **** you not... I usually eat around 3,500 to 3,800 calories
    on a cycle... The last few weeks or so I've been eating 4,500-5,000
    and i still feel like I'm straving almost every min of the day... I thought
    the EQ hunger talk was just bull**** talk... It's not...

    Quote Originally Posted by Steroids101
    **** is it really that bad? Im about to be on some soon, can't wait!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Hmmmmmm. I was thinking about running test cyp/enth, tren enth, and EQ for my next cycle.

    I might reconsider the EQ part.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    It's good bro, don't get me wrong... I started getting veins popping
    up about 4-5 weeks in even though my BF% is high as I'm really running
    a bulker with this one... I'm running exactly what you have down and
    it's one hell of a cycle, but with this EQ I just can't eat enuf... That
    part didn't start until about 7-8 weeks in... Bad part is i get nasty when
    i'm hungry and now I'm always hungry...

    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    Hmmmmmm. I was thinking about running test cyp/enth,
    tren enth, and EQ for my next cycle.

    I might reconsider the EQ part.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    Hmmmmmm. I was thinking about running test cyp/enth, tren enth, and EQ for my next cycle.

    I might reconsider the EQ part.
    EQ is going to be in my next cycle in December, but i think I might look at some other options now...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    How much are you taking a week?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Nowhere, USA
    You're talking about like it's a bad thing???

    I'd imagine it makes it so much easier to not get sick of food while bulking. I always have problems with lack of hunger.. i'd be pleased as punch to have the other way around.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I am doing EQ 500mg weekly and I did notice it from around the 5th week but it is not something out of control for me. Nor is is uncomfortable, I am sure everyone is different but not everyone has negative sides from it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    cozy little Ghetto in PA

    500 so I

    im in wk 3 of EQ 500 so im guessing a few more weeks till i get hungry

    I have leared to say no to hunger alrteady - EQ may test my will
    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    How do all you bros that love EQ and run it all the time
    deal with this shiat??? It took about 7-8 weeks for me
    to experience this part of EQ...

    I can't eat enuf to stop this hunger pain feeling in my
    gut... I eat and 20-30mins later I fell like I haven't ate
    for a week... This shiat is plain crazy... I eat and eat
    and don't even feel like eating anymore, but this god
    **** empty hunger pain won't leave...

    It's back to Deca next time for me unless I'm cutting
    i guess... There's not enuf time in the day to eat enuf
    food to stop this feeling...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    What is the theory behind EQ hunger? Metobolism?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I ran EQ at 600mgs/wk and did find I was only a bit hungrier, but I loved it! The vascularity and hardness you will get are all worth it. Not everyone will experience the hunger bro! Give it a shot and you'll know how you react for the future!

    Stay Safe, MJ

  14. #14
    Im currently using EQ at 400mg week and 500 mg week of Test E. Ive seen strength and weight gains along my cycle but i have seen no signs of more veins comming out or vasularity, nor "harder muscles". I am on week 10 now, and the Eq has done nothing for me so far... both are homebrewed so it may not be 100%, but thats just my 2 cents.

  15. #15
    oh yeah, we were talking about hunger,,, i forgot to post about that... i have not experienced any unbearable hunger or any increase in hunger than before i started cycle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Buff, I am experiencing a more sever hunger. Its not that it is more often just more urgent to eat, like the normal hungry feelings times 200%.

  17. #17
    I'm running 600 a week and my hunger is just plain retarded. Problem is I'm an endo who has little probs with acquiring mass. I think deca might be a better option for keeping fat gain to a minimum.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    600mg EQ per week with 1,200mg Test Ent and 500mg Tren Ent

    Quote Originally Posted by sniper320
    How much are you taking a week?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I usually have a problem with a lack of hunger when bulking too...

    I even wrote a thread about that maybe 3-4 weeks ago before
    this EQ really kicked in hard... The thing is I can slam down a 16
    ounce strip steak, 6 whole eggs, a bowl of oatmeal and a few slices
    of whole wheat toast for breakfast and then 1hr later I feel like I
    never ate anything at all...

    The thing is I feel hungry, but don't feel like eating another meal
    1 hour after that one.... and that's how it feels all day long almost
    after every meal... I'm more sick of food now then ever cus all I'm
    doing is eating trying to get rid of this ****ing hunger pain in my
    ****ing stomach...

    Plus I'm a moody son of a bitch when I'm hungry bro...

    Even more so then usual...

    But i will say EQ does some very positive things and when stacked
    with Tren and Test this is one hell of a potent stack... If you don't
    mind eating all day long I highly recommend it to anyone...

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisAdams
    You're talking about like it's a bad thing???

    I'd imagine it makes it so much easier to not get sick of food while
    bulking. I always have problems with lack of hunger.. i'd be pleased
    as punch to have the other way around.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I think it has more to do with the increase in red blood cell count...

    Probably more to it then that, but that's gotta be part of it...

    Quote Originally Posted by kronik
    What is the theory behind EQ hunger? Metobolism?

  21. #21
    Im new to this site also to AAS, is the hunger increase that great with eq, I hope it is as im about to do my first cycle in a couple weeks consisting of sust and eq. The thing im missing the most in my plan is appetite...Will this really help???

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Well usually i have a hard time eating on a cycle for whatever the reason
    and it's working for me... Would you like to try to pay my grocery bill for

    I may take awhile to kick in though, i just started to feel this way over the
    last few weeks... This week being the worst or best all depending how you look at it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Want2Bsolid
    Im new to this site also to AAS, is the hunger increase that great with eq, I hope it is as im about to do my first cycle in a couple weeks consisting of sust and eq. The thing im missing the most in my plan is appetite...Will this really help???

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by buff87
    Well usually i have a hard time eating on a cycle for whatever the reason
    and it's working for me... Would you like to try to pay my grocery bill for

    I may take awhile to kick in though, i just started to feel this way over the
    last few weeks... This week being the worst or best all depending how you look at it...
    Yeah, it's funny. I noticed the hunger immediately, as in within days of my first shot. It makes ZERO sense to me at all. I really hope that it doesn't get WORSE.

    I just started some winni and T3 now too. I really hope i can rein-in this eating frenzy though. It won't be much of a cutting cycle if not

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