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Thread: Clomid is evil!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    clomid isnt as evil as low test levels. suck it up we can all relate. another reason you are feeling ****ty is because the prop is leaving your system, your body is so used to synthetic test that it has drastically reduced the amount of test it produces. The clomid will help you bring your natural levels up so you can stop feeling ****ty.

  2. #2
    Most people attribute pct sides to's not the's the drastic drop and rise in various hormone levels. All NOT using clomid will does is stretch these sides out over a longer period, but at the same time, allowing for a longer period during which you're in an androgen-deprived state, and allowing for a much greater potential to lose your gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Most people attribute pct sides to's not the's the drastic drop and rise in various hormone levels. All NOT using clomid will does is stretch these sides out over a longer period, but at the same time, allowing for a longer period during which you're in an androgen-deprived state, and allowing for a much greater potential to lose your gains.
    Right on as usual. Just remember not to make any big decisions during this period.

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