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Thread: Magazine Review!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Magazine Review!

    I thought this may be a good post I was looking at all the magazines that came out last month
    Muscle Mag
    Muscular Development
    Iron Man

    And I thought ok which one is the most informative!

    Flex - I like Flex because you get to hear about the pros but id do feel that they tend to shy away from gear use for obvious reasons but I find it misleads guys I mean its all very well to show Ronnie colemans back workout but how can anyone unless they are doing the amounts of GH that hes doing compare or even have the energy levels to keep up with his 100 sets!

    Muscle Mag – ok used to like this but do we have to hear about celltech every month these guys in the advert did not get to look like they do on celltech alone we all know that but the poor naieve newbies who have no clue waste hundreds a year on these products I don’t doubt celltech has some advantages but mainly its sugar based so of course you are going to put on weight in a week as they suggest bit like eating pure sugar cubes!

    Muscular Development – ok only came across it this month and thought cool a magazine which mentions steroids on the front page great hopefully no holes bared! No I was right no holes bared if you want to read about sex sex and more sex! Im not a prude and I have nothing against reading it but more training would be nice! I also thought it mirrored muscle mag a bit in the way it portrayed its exercises! What I mean is Muscle mag tells you you MUST squat in order to have big legs some of you might agree but we all know squatting isn’t essential and for those that have knee injuries it puts you right off!
    However quite informative info bout gear effects on liver injections etc so that’s a plus and the buster steroid dealer was good!

    Iron-Man – I really liked this mag this month it was good tips on training chest very informative and the interview with a steroid dealer was really interesting shows we cant trust all the gear that we get doesn’t it! I guess its also worrying but its good to know you guys are clued up to check it out and post pics of the gear that is great! I did like the way they published different pros workouts for each body part found it very interesting its strange though to see the different rep ranges I mean some do say only 6-8 reps for back and someone else did 18-20 reps just proves to you we all respond differently!

    Anyway guys sorry to go on what are your thoughts!
    Ms Figure

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    M&F seems to cater more for the nutrional side of BB and I,m more interested in that then reading the workouts of guys who don,t work train when they want get all the correct supplements and as much juice as they can use.



  3. #3
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    Aug 2001
    Flex. the others are just big ads for muscletech

  4. #4
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    Aug 2001
    I liked this month's issue of MD.. I lked the articals on Ronnie's traing and all the small info paragraphs. Not to mention who was on the front page, and ovcourse the ladies in the middle.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2001
    I used to like Musclemedia 2000 (I have lots of back issues) they used to have great training articles from guys like Charles Poliquin and very in depth drug info from guys like Dan Duchaine and Will Brink. Now they are simply a $7.00 brochure for "Body for Life"

    I agree with Ms Figure re: Musclemag International, way too many Muscle Tech ads. But I find their contest coverage is usually pretty good as well as Muscle Beach Gossip. I also like The Canadian Corner.

    I still buy Flex but not nearly as much since you can get all the good dish from


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ahh thanks Pete nice comments!

    I agree about Flex on line and ive heard loads about Musclemedia 2000 about how open it was about gear use etc! Then Bill Philips went the Body For Life way and abandended it which was a shame!

    Muscle Media now is a waste of time its all adverts for EAS i do agree bout Muscle mag having good show coverage though
    Ms Figure

  7. #7
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    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up yeah that was right bill phillips made is name that way

    mm200 before was no hold barred about anabolics and very contraversial too.

    But now its adds for EAS and body for life stuff.

    I dont read anymore BB mags becose they cost to much to buy 7-8$.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Just for you ladies

    Muscle and fitness have a 36 pg "Womens Special" this month and their new Womens Muscle and Fitness comes out in Jan 2002 Free plug I know and no I don,t work for them!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    LOL love it Billy!! Ill check it out OH no my magazine budget is going sky high now!!

    sounds good M & F do have good diet tips!
    Ms Figure

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    I at one time thought MD was THE magazine. That changed in Feb 2000 when Fit Hot babes and mantra sex became more important than fitness. Now I like to look at the ladies but if I wanted that I'd buy playboy. I wrote the editor voicing my disapproval as did many of my clients, and they printed my letter in the Mar issue with no reply. Well I asked to cancel my subscription (which would have lapsed in Aug 2000. Man I still get that mag and I have not sent a penny. I trash it now. Yeah like I wnt my kids looking at that crap. OK thanks for letting me vent again.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2001
    LOL i was in the shop buying muscle mag im sure everyone thought i was buying a porno with a naked woman on the front i had to say very loudly!! I wish they wouldnt put naked woman on the front of fitness magazines so they didnt think i was weird
    Ms Figure

  12. #12
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    South Carolina
    If anyone gives you a funny look just say "Oh I'm checking to see if my spread is in this one too"

  13. #13
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    Ms Figure

  14. #14
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    I'm embarrased when I by Musclemag International (always scantly clad fitness women on the cover). I feel like a pervert.


  15. #15
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    Aug 2001
    Oh Pete what are you telling us you feel like a pervert for looking at the ladies ?? LOL

    I did have one occasion when I bought a mag back in 1998.I bought it and the women who was serving me said "What is it April fools day "and laughed at the mag and showed her friend beside her and they both laughed She then said I would be better off eating it.After going bright red I replied"At least I can work on my body you can,t do anything about your face "paid and walked off.Never been there since

    Who cares what people think?


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    That's funny!! It reminds me of the old W.C. Feilds line, when a women says to him "You're drunk!!" he says "Yeah...well your ugly!! And I'll be sober in the morning!!" Sorry to get off topic.


  17. #17
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    South Carolina
    I've had to get rid of most mags now except Muscle Media, cause I keep finding them in the locker room wet and stained. Yeah right...nobody has to piss THAT much!

  18. #18
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    Oct 2001
    I like Flex though it does have tons of Muscle Tech advertisements though. I like to keep up on the shows and the latest info on the BB's and fitness girls.

    Muscle and Fitness- I didn't renew my subscription. I like it but it seems to be missing that UMPH it used to have. Too many different special "editions" now and not enough training info.

    Oxygen-I like. Good training, diet, recipes, articles, and tips. I have noticed that it is starting to have tons of advertisements for Hydroxycut and Muscle Tech Bars, and the Mucle Mag girls are laced throughout.

    Muscle and Fitness Hers- I really like. I like it moreso than Oxygen because it really focuses on training. Hopefully they will stick to the current format.

    MM-I no longer like. It's too bad because it used to be a great mag. Now it's just Body for Life.

    Last edited by fitgirl943; 10-09-2001 at 12:58 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I agree with you Fitgirl,

    Oxygen is good but they are getting way to many adds and they're not just one pagers. Some of them have been turned into 4 and 5 page stories. It's ridiculous! But the diet, and training tips are still worth buying the magazine for.

    I really like M&F Hers! Great info for women on all topics.

    There's a new women's magazine out (can't remember the name) but it's run by EAS. It doesn't say it anywhere, but the address is the same. Kind of like Oxygen and M&F Hers. I didn't buy it though as it looked like it was going to be just like Bill Phillips' Muscle Media magazine.

    The guys' magazines are good to read but it's hard for women to get too much out of them with regards to training and diet, that's why I like the ones I mentioned above.

    Just my opinion!


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Hey Bert! I haven't seen that EAS womens mag yet. I may check it out. I hope that it won't be a Body for Life mag and leave me disappointed again.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    you know what magazine is great for it's anatomical articles?

    Barely Legal!!!!great articles and amazing shots to really get a feel for the human anatomy.some issues you can get the perfect uterus shot if you just look hard enough,hahahha,jk guys

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