use fina next time![]()
use fina next time![]()
A SPIDERMAN suit always worked for me.
I once had a multiple enemy fight where I got my issue handed to me however I did not lose. You see I was at Jumbo Sports parking lot waiting to meet some friends and we were all going to go to a party. Well eventually the parking lot turned into a big party and somehow a fight broke out between two little boys. While watching the fight this little guy started getting his ass kicked pretty bad and some guys jumped in and proceeded bye attempting to jump him. Well this pissed me off so I took off my shirt and tossed it on the jeep. After i started walking towards the fight which had gotten out of hand I was hit in back of the head, i stumbled forward and turned around in complete rage and saw before me 6 guys standing there all with beer bottles. Seriously this shit looked like it was totally premeditated so me being the smart feller I am i took off runnning. All 280 pounds of me was outrunning the skinny's in my doc martins while this little fucker was behind me steadily punching me in the back of my head,well since I had lost the other jerk off's i grabbed the guy who had been punching me while in full sprint and came to complete stop in about two seconds, while he was still moving from momentum i gave him the most passionate hardest punch ever right to the face,right then he was knocked out cold. I hit him so hard we both fell to the ground, After i looked up i saw the other 5 punks running full throttle towards me again so i gained back my composure and started running again,once again a little fucker caught up to me and was punching me in back of my head. well i tried to grab this fucker like the previous one but he was too smart,he kept punching me,finally i caught ahold of his shirt and usedd all the momentum i had to swing him as hard as possible towards the ground,as we both rolled on the ground i heard his bones breaking and also the rambling footsteps of these 4 brutal fucking piranha's coming towards me, i then tried to fight back as they bombarded me with what felt like nuclear punches and kicks but it only exhausted me and hurt me worse,finally after about 45 seconds of being pummelled i thought to myself i have to do something these fuckers will kill me right here, I built up a rage so passionate and so heart felt that I took the fuckers out one bye one, eventually as i lay there alone in my blood dripping from every crevice in my body i realized that I may have gotten beaten bad but i became a man,b/c as i lie there all of those fuckers were down hurt more then me,i also realized that the pain during the beating was minimal and that while being pulverized it does not hurt,but soon to find out it was the week after that hurt the most,come to find out the first guy I hit broke his nose and jaw from the punch and fractured his skull from the fall. the second guy cracked 3 ribs and sprained his wrist,hopefully from punching me,lol Another guy had a broken nose and the others were just bruised and sore, i talk to these guys on aol at times and we laugh and joke about how a 1 man army made of heart fought his way from death using heart. btw this is a true story guys
Hey good story fkitsletsgo,
I was so pumped after reading your story I gotttsta tell mine.
Knoxville, TN 5 or 6 years ago I weighed about 215 at the time
Im at a bar on UT campus called Hannahs. me and 4 other friends walk outside and here a big frat party going on behind us so were like, hey lets go see whats up. Well, when we get up to the house on the hill, we all recognize the guy at the door and he was like yo bros come on in.
We enter the party half drunk, hit the living dance floor,and we all seem to party there for what must have been 3 or 4 hours. well around that 4th hour I was on the dancefloor (COMPLETEY WASTED) and a girl starts grinding on me. As we are dancing I notice a guy just staring dead at me like he wants to kill me. So I just simply key on him walk straight toward him,m and I got dead in his face yelling at the top of my lungs so he could hear me over the music, WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT? I kept saying it over and over. Well the guy was completely scared and backed off, he totally backed down.
So I walk back to my little hottie on the dance floor and figure thats over, not to mention I was now feeling like Mr. Superstarpimp. Well an hour later I happen to be standing in the kitchen of this place and some guy is like "yo dog come here you gotta check this out." So I am like woohoo lets go, he says follow me out the door. Well I walk out the back door and there are like 10 guys in a circle. Now I was alarmed, but when the same guy who backed down is standing there he says " Oh yeah, you have a problem now" My crazy butt goes YESSS why yes I do, whooom he tries to push me, I moved out of the way, he falls straight into some mud.
I start running like Flash Gordon with what I thought to be 10 people behind me. I get to the bottom of the hill behind this bank and figure fuck these little punks, Im about to throw down here so I slam on the breaks turn around and there was like 30 mofros behind me. Me being the idiot that I am says "Ok mofros lets do this one at a time" Needless to say they didnt like my idea of one on one, so they all commenced to punching me at the same time. BUT ... Have no fear , yours truly was swinging like a madman, I know for every punch I took I delivered 2 to the axis of evil. Next thing ya know I actually stood toe 2 toe with them for around 4 or 5 min ( an eternity in fight time). All I remembered next is getting knocked to my butt in the middle of the road directly on top of the 2 yellow lines, about that time about 5 or 6 my buddies showed up and joined the mix. So you have to imagine, its us 7 now vs the frat, in the middle of the strip on UT campus. After my buds joined they actually started running.
I did loose the fight ofcourse and took a pretty bad bruising, but holy shit that was mega fun. Not that I want to do it again. WOOOF WOOF!
man i dont understand wot happened to u.
maybe u havent been stikin urself right!! cos sust makes u fight wicked!!
cos i can tell u from experience that sust has some magical shit in it that makes u stronger faster and more skilled in the art of street fighting.
i thinkmaybe u need to have a higher dosage try 500mg per day. hope this helps
All i got to say is take aikido and you'll kick some ass anyone enters your sphere they'll be leavin it quick so basically arms reach. My best scrap was 4 on 1 and left without a scratch. No bragging.but learn a marshal art if you wanna get tough.
yo sustaman, you shoulda grabbed posing trunks & some baby oil, then ran out by the perps & hit a most muscular pose. That woulda been the smart thing to do.
Did you put on a fake Charles Bronson Mustache before you ran out there? That woulda helped more than the sust.
Who do you think you are? Bruce Lee Priest?
will you guys relax with this shit huh, give the kid a break. everyone out here is doing the juice to try to be tougher and bigger. (or to make people think you are.) this kid most likely watched a movie with the big muscle guy throwing people around like nothing and thought that is the way it is. the only reason people are affraid of us is because we are trained from childhood to believe that the bigger you are the tougher you are. Look how all the tall guys, skinny or heavy, think they are the toughest shit. Height don't mean shit. while playing football i knocked the shit out of guys taller than me. Oh, And that guy saying he can't count how many juice monkeys he has choked out, please. some of the monsters i know will take your arm off before you can get it around their neck. Kid, next time bring some friends or a gun. every gang banger i know is tough with thier friends or a gun. with out it, thier nothing. (never give up)
Y'all should stop giving the "kid" such a hard time.I'd like to see how many of you would run after 4 guys.There's no shame in getting your ass kicked!!I'm sure (...I hope...) he was only kidding about the SUST relating to the whole thing...
Fkitsletsgo thats a hell of a story.....don't you just hate shose skinny arogant motherfu***rs who are only brave if there is a whole pack of them!?!?![]()
After reading Warrior's best AR Quote thread, I had to bump this for everyone's amusement; some of the responses are just as funny as his story.
lol wow, this was funny, i sure hope he was joking
'i expected the sust to kick in' and do what?! make u a super fighter in a split second?
maybe your sust is bunk?
and sust alone doesn't make you fight better you need to stack it with dbol or anadrol to get the positive fighting effect
(i'm kidding bros! but im sure it wouldnt hurt your chances of being more of an animal)
this thread was great. must read for all nobies. should be a sticky
yeah this could end up being a classic
this is by far the best post ive read.... hahahaha i cant stop laughingOriginally Posted by jammergsxr
LOLOLOLOLOL!Originally Posted by Warrior
He should have had cheque drops instead ...![]()
I thought I had seen the last of this thing. I still laugh my ass off when I read it.
I think if you used Andriol @ 200 mg ED
with HALO, Equipose, Trenbolone and Mibelerone
and were already in week 12
Then you probably would have murdered them due to the agressiveness of being so shut down and the additional fear, never to see any pussy again.
And then afterwards rushed to the hospital for a liverdonor
HeartDocMD --> I think you are overestimating your 135 pounds friend
Fighting is dependent on Size, Strength, Speed, Stamina, Strategy, Technique, Aggresiveness, Clearmindedness in fight, Ability to handle pain, Motivation and the ability to make your opponent doubt his own abilities(freaking him out).
It is all a balance!
No way can your 135 pound friend with perhaps excellent speed and technique take out a 250 pound and tall opponent with not exceptional skills but perhaps like 3 years of boxing or so!
I have size and speed, My ability to handle punches was always seen as extraordinary since no one (And I am not lying!) has ever knocked me out!
My Teacher always would put the biggest guys up against me and wondered if perhaps my nerveendings were faulty(this is in kickboxing, not when I was a Pancrasser)
Technique is very lagging with me since I always use what feels best, while my teacher always used to shout to do that (and I would tell him why use that, if he can't possibly got out of this or handle the pain from this)
Stamina wasn't too great either!
P.S. TTT has the nicest avatar of the board
oh so this is the infamous thread....lmao...thaanks for bumping it daem...good stuff![]()
This one was some funny as ****...
it deserves a bump...
Originally Posted by kingofmasters
Thats funnier then the original quote!
Originally Posted by Got Gear?
that is freakin funny![]()
I once new a guy who never took any type of martial arts, but he wore the Kung-Fu typical Black and White( with the shoes) He constanly was getting his but beat at school.
Dude if ya had PCP you could have taken em!!
Nice one Warrior
its the "little" guys I am afraid of..not the big guys.
Juice probably is more of a hinderance unless you stretch and were a good fighter *before* you juiced. Otherwise juice makes you slower, less flexible and less enduance.
QUOTE=Sust999]Hi, i started taking sustanon250 about 6 week ago. Ive never used it before. The other night i caught some guys breaking into my car, I thought now was my chance so i flexed up and went outside expecting the sustanon to take over. I ended up getting my arse kicked. What is going on? I thought steroids make you able to fight??[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by Sust999
oh yea man... i took one shot and before i knew it was was Bruce Fuk'n lee.... I can "waaaaa" and "chaaaa" with the best of em!
best thread ever!
Just coz it makes u feel like a superman, it doesnt mean u r 1.
i saw this before but it still made me laugh![]()
haha, i know you may feel like a badass on juice but if you can't fight, then you can't fight, period.
So here is "The Sus Story" in its entirety. Gotta say a CLASSIC
i always say ...
"if you are a pussy before are just a pussy with muscles after"
*not saying you are a pussy ...but you get the drift.......skills are skills....heart is heart....steroids help you gain neither.
better luck next time cuz..
Alright , that's it , my sides hurting , I can't read any more of this.![]()
You would have had better results with a can of spinach
This has to be a bull**** story, if not holy s*** you should give up AS until, ah never mind.Originally Posted by Sust999
LMAO....this is soooo funny..OMG!
man don't wanne sound mean, but if u think like that u deserved wat chu got mayb u should've got it worse, hahahahah
sorry man
truth hearts lol
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