What Works Equally To V And Doesnt Give You Those Cramps After The Shot For 3 Days?need To Be Able To Run While Doing This.
What Works Equally To V And Doesnt Give You Those Cramps After The Shot For 3 Days?need To Be Able To Run While Doing This.
Anavar will rip you up and give you the same solid gains as winstrol provided your diet and exercise are good. Anavar is only available as an oral tablet so it wont cramp you up and you can run while on it. Also it has rarely any side affects, winstrol on the other hand has strong side effects and many people hurt themselves while running and doing intense athletics while on winstrol!
Go with Anavar man.
what is the proper dosage of anavar in a cycle
15-25mg is the recomended mild dosage. Many people go higher up to 40-50mg.
I would start low with 20-25mg and see your tolerance as you go up in the dosage.
On A 10 Week Cycle Which Week Would You Start Hitting It
40mg e/d is the min really, u wont get much off any lower
For "Hardening" (Finishing touch) at the end of a cycle:
DHT (Androstanolone)
Methyl-DHT(Mestanolone/"Oral Masteron")
Stanzolol (Winstrol/Stromba)
Oxandrolone (Anavar)
Miotolan (Furazabol)
Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)
Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)
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