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I find it very funny that people are flaming this kids actual cycle. Okay so he was 17 yrs old, way to young right? I agree what I don't agree with is people tearing apart his cycle. Did you guys read BDTR's post or not. This cycle is still less than the subject's in his expirements, christ the test dosage is cut in half! He also ran proper PCT. SO WTF aside from age there is nothing wrong with this cycle and I know for a fact that many solid and reputable bro's on this board and others started hitting the sauce at 17 and younger. FUK lee priest ring a bell? Sure he is short as hell but he juiced at what 16? Either way this kid made the decision to do what he did, he did it right, he did it safely and although it is yet to be known wether or not he wil have any health issues, OPEN YOUR EYES FOLKS, the health issues and concerns are here for all of us as well. This kid obvioulsy researched, spent the time in the gym and he worked his balls off! Give him a little credit for christ sakes!