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Thread: Steroids = Extreme Athletes.. READ

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Steroids = Extreme Athletes.. READ

    My cuzin brian was pretty much cut from the football team junior year i mean u cant get cut but he only played in 4 snaps all year and was second string jv(he was a wide reciver) and although he was only 17 years old then and against my wish he took steroids right before his 18th birthday spring time of junior year... and if u want something bad enuff ull get it so he had a guy at the gym come up to me and ask me for juice and it was really for my cuzin anyways he told me he took(remember first cycle too and hes just under 18 years old)

    10 weeks 1gram of test ent per week
    4 weeks 40mg of dianbol e/d
    9 weeks 300mg of deca per week

    well anyways he gained 46lbs on the football teams program and went from wide reciever to linebacker and now he got a scholarship to play for Georgetown

    i mean the kid had no talent what so ever and now hes going to be playin D1 football........ are steroids the key to being an extrodanary athlete?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    maybe u just answered your own q lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I can't believe that the coahes or anyone didn't notice anything strange about that. As far as I'm concerned competitive athletes should not use any steroids especially 17yr olds.

    Although I probably would have done the same thing(being honest), it is still not right. I was an allstate middle linebaker but only weighed 180lbs no big schools even considered me. It's hard to see past your dreams when you are that age.
    This was 20 years ago. Too much of this is going on with the kids today, it's going to put major pressure on AS which we obviously don't need.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    no they arent. by relying on juice u are only kidding yourself. juice is helped to break that natural plateau. your sticking point. i see many things wrong with his cycle so i take it he did no research about it. people like this that give regular users a bad image and the bad rep we have

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I think it was the way the juice made him feel that got him the scholarship. I mean mentally, he probably thought he could do anything. And thats what he did.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i didnt even bother looking at the cycle but on a quick glance you are right balls. Your 17 yr old bro was taking 1000mg of test a week on his first cycle? did he have proper PCT? Not to intimidating to see a linebacker with a D cup lol

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    no they arent. by relying on juice u are only kidding yourself. juice is helped to break that natural plateau.
    That is exactly the purpose you should use it, to surpass your plateau, after of course training and eating a min of 3 years, and @ around the age of 22 or older.Give or take a yr. Just my .02 cents

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    i didnt even bother looking at the cycle but on a quick glance you are right balls. Your 17 yr old bro was taking 1000mg of test a week on his first cycle? did he have proper PCT? Not to intimidating to see a linebacker with a D cup lol
    Now back to the cycle, **** 1 g of TEST?>!?! On your first cycle, wtf?!! **** that is so wrong

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    isnt that crazy juice?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    My cuzin brian was pretty much cut from the football team junior year i mean u cant get cut but he only played in 4 snaps all year and was second string jv(he was a wide reciver) and although he was only 17 years old then and against my wish he took steroids right before his 18th birthday spring time of junior year... and if u want something bad enuff ull get it so he had a guy at the gym come up to me and ask me for juice and it was really for my cuzin anyways he told me he took(remember first cycle too and hes just under 18 years old)

    10 weeks 1gram of test ent per week
    4 weeks 40mg of dianbol e/d
    9 weeks 300mg of deca per week

    well anyways he gained 46lbs on the football teams program and went from wide reciever to linebacker and now he got a scholarship to play for Georgetown

    i mean the kid had no talent what so ever and now hes going to be playin D1 football........ are steroids the key to being an extrodanary athlete?
    when did georgetown get a football team?

  11. #11
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    They have one, it's not at a nationally ranked level.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Correct me if i'm wrong, but Georgetown doesn't have a football team.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    nah they got one, not a good one but they got one

  14. #14
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    They did when I lived in Philly years ago , perhaps they don't anymore.

  15. #15
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    They did when I lived in Philly years ago , perhaps they don't anymore.
    they definitely still do-

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by kswat
    Correct me if i'm wrong, but Georgetown doesn't have a football team.
    i thought there program got cancelled years ago, they arent in the big east for football are they?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Sin City
    no... they're in the patriot league... they're D1-AA non-scholarship which means he probably got financial aid to go there... not a real scholarship. they were one of the schools that recruited me coming out of hs 6 years ago. maybe things have changed in the last six years.

    and no... juice is not necessary. i did just fine in football without it. went to college to play ball. i actually took extra enjoyment from beating the piss out of guys i knew were on the sauce.
    Last edited by sinista63; 07-27-2004 at 04:20 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    lol some of these posts r funny - georgetown doesnt have a team lol ok buddy check him up then this year brian dindia but ya he took all the nolva and clomid at the end and the coaches new wat was up but drug tests r illegal to one player ud have to test the whole team and the town didnt have that kinda money well anyways georgetown isnt the greatest football team but still he went from trash to d1-aa and i dunno but he got a ton of money from georgetown he isnt rich so it mighta been financial aid r u sure tho because hes tellin every1 it was a scholarship and no1 has said to him they dont give scholarships..... one of my friends got a scholarship for bball at assumption they are D2 is that a lie too?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    lol some of these posts r funny - georgetown doesnt have a team lol ok buddy check him up then this year brian dindia but ya he took all the nolva and clomid at the end and the coaches new wat was up but drug tests r illegal to one player ud have to test the whole team and the town didnt have that kinda money well anyways georgetown isnt the greatest football team but still he went from trash to d1-aa and i dunno but he got a ton of money from georgetown he isnt rich so it mighta been financial aid r u sure tho because hes tellin every1 it was a scholarship and no1 has said to him they dont give scholarships..... one of my friends got a scholarship for bball at assumption they are D2 is that a lie too?
    yea... one of my friends played for assumption also. D2 schools are allowed to give scholarships but i think they're just limited to 9 of them (vs. 12 at D1 programs). but some schools may not have the funding for all 9 so they may just have 5 or 6 full ones to offer. usually they'll give like 3 of their top guys full rides and split the remainder of the money among the other players. basketball is treated differently from football when divisions are concerned.

    as far as football is concerned, i'm pretty sure they're non-scholarship. its tough to find any exact information on that but by the statement on this link you can be pretty sure that they're not

    "... with a measure of post-season success that has given some scholarship programs a run in recent years."

    i've had a few friends go on and play in the patriot league and they would just get huge financial aid packages.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    lol some of these posts r funny - georgetown doesnt have a team lol ok buddy check him up then this year brian dindia but ya he took all the nolva and clomid at the end and the coaches new wat was up but drug tests r illegal to one player ud have to test the whole team and the town didnt have that kinda money well anyways georgetown isnt the greatest football team but still he went from trash to d1-aa and i dunno but he got a ton of money from georgetown he isnt rich so it mighta been financial aid r u sure tho because hes tellin every1 it was a scholarship and no1 has said to him they dont give scholarships..... one of my friends got a scholarship for bball at assumption they are D2 is that a lie too?
    yeah the coaches really dont; care as long as you can play and win for them... and as for the testing its not the town that does it it's the high school association that school belongs to.. for instance in MI its the MIHAA (michigan high school athletic association) that does the testing... but it usually only occurs when a team is stacked and wins multiple championships..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    yep i knew it was soemthing like that well anwyays if i coulda done it all over i woulda juiced at 17 because this kids life is great right now and wont have to be a garbage worker like me a f***** painter his whole life because hell have a degree from a great college and his girlfriends pretty hot now not use to seeing that with him but i mean the board says dont do juice until ur in ur mid 20s but i dont see why i have yet to suffer from the sides of juice i see so much critisizim i wish people would just be more helpfull and nice other then rude and aggresive...... it just might be all the test floatin around in the forum

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    you don't need juice to get a college degree though bro...

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    yep i knew it was soemthing like that well anwyays if i coulda done it all over i woulda juiced at 17 because this kids life is great right now and wont have to be a garbage worker like me a f***** painter his whole life because hell have a degree from a great college and his girlfriends pretty hot now not use to seeing that with him but i mean the board says dont do juice until ur in ur mid 20s but i dont see why i have yet to suffer from the sides of juice i see so much critisizim i wish people would just be more helpfull and nice other then rude and aggresive...... it just might be all the test floatin around in the forum

    safety is the number one aspect here partner. by juicing at such a young age u run a VERY high risk of messing your boyd up permantantly. and to top it all off your body is spitting out hughe amount of natural test, why stop that and rely on an outside source. Its stupid to juice at that young of a age IMO. good for your friend, me might have been lucky and not hit with my side, byut he is one of the few. be smart and safe and just wait

  25. #25
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    -He is going to have one hell of a time keeping all of that muscle off cycle, and whats his 2nd going to be.........2grams/wk?
    -He mind as well start saving for the lifetime supply of Viagra he's going to need as well, his pecker is going to be **** near useless.
    -His joints and tendons are also at severe risk for injury.
    -Tell him to live it up now, but he probably wont see graduation....not saying he's going to die or anything like that, I dont mean it that way. His body is going to crash and he'll be benched then cut.....hope he's a good student.


  26. #26
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    he woulda neva got into georgetown if it wasnt for the season he had heda went probably to a state school at best

    he hasnt dont a second cycle in a year hes still huge he just goes at it tuff - upper body one day lower body the next day and is just a work horse..... squats deads cleans good mornings all in the same day hes nuts

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    he woulda neva got into georgetown if it wasnt for the season he had heda went probably to a state school at best

    he hasnt dont a second cycle in a year hes still huge he just goes at it tuff - upper body one day lower body the next day and is just a work horse..... squats deads cleans good mornings all in the same day hes nuts

    nuts or just plain stupid? im leaning towards the latter one

  28. #28
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    May 2004
    I find it very funny that people are flaming this kids actual cycle. Okay so he was 17 yrs old, way to young right? I agree what I don't agree with is people tearing apart his cycle. Did you guys read BDTR's post or not. This cycle is still less than the subject's in his expirements, christ the test dosage is cut in half! He also ran proper PCT. SO WTF aside from age there is nothing wrong with this cycle and I know for a fact that many solid and reputable bro's on this board and others started hitting the sauce at 17 and younger. FUK lee priest ring a bell? Sure he is short as hell but he juiced at what 16? Either way this kid made the decision to do what he did, he did it right, he did it safely and although it is yet to be known wether or not he wil have any health issues, OPEN YOUR EYES FOLKS, the health issues and concerns are here for all of us as well. This kid obvioulsy researched, spent the time in the gym and he worked his balls off! Give him a little credit for christ sakes!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    i see many things wrong with his cycle so i take it he did no research about it. people like this that give regular users a bad image and the bad rep we have
    Could you possibly fill me in about what is so terrible about this cycle? Also if you could let me know how this kid gives "regular users" like yourself a bad rep and image? Thanks bro, just curious

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATTY
    I find it very funny that people are flaming this kids actual cycle. Okay so he was 17 yrs old, way to young right? I agree what I don't agree with is people tearing apart his cycle. Did you guys read BDTR's post or not. This cycle is still less than the subject's in his expirements, christ the test dosage is cut in half! He also ran proper PCT. SO WTF aside from age there is nothing wrong with this cycle and I know for a fact that many solid and reputable bro's on this board and others started hitting the sauce at 17 and younger. FUK lee priest ring a bell? Sure he is short as hell but he juiced at what 16? Either way this kid made the decision to do what he did, he did it right, he did it safely and although it is yet to be known wether or not he wil have any health issues, OPEN YOUR EYES FOLKS, the health issues and concerns are here for all of us as well. This kid obvioulsy researched, spent the time in the gym and he worked his balls off! Give him a little credit for christ sakes!
    I was waiting for some 20 or younger kid to defend him.........what a joke.

    Wake up.


  31. #31
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    Natty, no need for the blasphemy. All who have posted are not flaming but expressing concerns. Why take it so personally?

  32. #32
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    hahaahha defend him no not at all, defend his cycle against people that bash anything that isnt 500mg/week test enth. Also I am not into the whole internet tough-guy thing, but if you want to have an intelligent discussion thats awesome, if not please refrain from insulting me bro.

  33. #33
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    But what are your concerns bro, over his age? I think hes way too young as well and I hope the potential health risks that are associated with young kids using gear don't affect his life in the future. BUT what about his cycle, age aside, thats what I want to discuss with you fella's.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATTY
    Could you possibly fill me in about what is so terrible about this cycle? Also if you could let me know how this kid gives "regular users" like yourself a bad rep and image? Thanks bro, just curious
    First off...this kid WILL have adverse reactions, and this will reflect on the whole AAS community negatively. Mommy and daddy wont care that their son was/is too young and stupid to not take the easy route. They wont accept responsibillity for the fact that they failed him.

    And 1580mg/wk of gear for a 1st cycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?

    I know guys that are huge and have been cycling for over 10 yrs that havent done that much yet and probably wont ever.


  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by the dent depot
    I was waiting for some 20 or younger kid to defend him
    I guess you either didn't read my post or you are just looking to flame me BUT I specifically said that he was too young, did you read that part? Please dont tell me to wake up if you arent even going to give me the courtesy of reading my posts before you reply with an un-informed comment.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATTY
    Could you possibly fill me in about what is so terrible about this cycle? Also if you could let me know how this kid gives "regular users" like yourself a bad rep and image? Thanks bro, just curious

    well natty, first off its his first cycle he is running 1g of test a week. second his deca is run for only 9 weeks. deca needs to be run at least 12. third there is no mention of pct. he is setting himself up for problems down the road. if a first cycle is a 1g of test a week, whats his next one gonna be 2g's test 800mg deca and 60mg dbol?? if u knew maybe did some research u would know what makes it bad. oh yeah also no mention no AI or serm... and the main thing.... AGE

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    Natty, no need for the blasphemy. All who have posted are not flaming but expressing concerns. Why take it so personally?
    He's taking it so personally b/c he's not much older than said idiot, and is trying to justify it. Now he's hearing things that dont agree with his philosophy, and it's affecting him. Even Natty is too young to be cycling.


  38. #38
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    Makes sense to me!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by the dent depot

    And 1580mg/wk of gear for a 1st cycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?

    I know guys that are huge and have been cycling for over 10 yrs that havent done that much yet and probably wont ever.

    I agree some poeple like the lower doseages. Personally I am still deciding how I feel about higher dosages, I dont think I am ready yet and I am responding well to reasonble amounts of gear. However did 1580mg/week is still a considerable amount less than what the sybjest cycled in his first cycle in BDTR's expirement.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by the dent depot
    He's taking it so personally b/c he's not much older than said idiot, and is trying to justify it. Now he's hearing things that dont agree with his philosophy, and it's affecting him. Even Natty is too young to be cycling.

    I find it hilarious that you make this assumption, I am here on this thread to see if anyone wanted to have an inteligent conversation about this cycle and BDTR's theories.

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