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Thread: Insulin

  1. #1


    What is your opinion. It's readily available, and the steriod effectivness chart reckons it's good for mass

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by richy_boy
    What is your opinion. It's readily available, and the steriod effectivness chart reckons it's good for mass
    opinions will differ with this, however, its to dangerous in my opinion. and seeing you haven't even completed 1 cycle its definitley something you shouldn't even be considering

  3. #3
    Slin would be the one thing I fear most. While there are guides on this board on how to use it, it seems too easy to send yourself to the hospital or worse into the grave.

  4. #4
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    i agree with what was written,

    whilst insulin may offer some nice benefits, and people may say they know what they're doing and it's safe etc and there's loads of info on it,

    it really is easy to kill yourself or endup in hospital

    i read about someone in scotland who died to insulin use

  5. #5
    just to risky stick with the safe stuff

  6. #6
    Gear's Avatar
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    The good stuff is always scary . I belive if you are educated about what you are doing then your chances of "crashing" are at minimum. Slin certinly did wonders for me

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    The good stuff is always scary . I believe if you are educated about what you are doing then your chances of "crashing" are at minimum. Slin certainly did wonders for me

    if do right.. i agree 100%, but before you do slin.. you have to ask yourself "do you have the discipline for slin" and the time threw-out the day..

    long term and short term you can put the world of hate into yourself

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Yes, it certinly isnt a drug to play around with.

  9. #9
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    could a less than veteran user use it carefully after the PWO shake for the added anabolic effects and that is about it. No other dosing...just after PWO shake to take with the carbs. 1 IU per gram of carb (or is it sugar...HI or LI...?) still...?

  10. #10
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    on the dip rack.
    Quote Originally Posted by richy_boy
    and the steriod effectivness chart reckons it's good for mass
    i quit after i read that.........

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by hatchblack
    could a less than veteran user use it carefully after the PWO shake for the added anabolic effects and that is about it. No other dosing...just after PWO shake to take with the carbs. 1 IU per gram of carb (or is it sugar...HI or LI...?) still...?

    1iu per gram of carb? I think you mean 7-10grams of carbs per every IU.

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hatchblack
    could a less than veteran user use it carefully after the PWO shake for the added anabolic effects and that is about it.
    IMO, no. Its simply not worth it if you screw up. Like anything else, you really have to know what you are doing before you go ahead and do it. And considering Insulin is the case, its very important to know what you are doing as this stuff can simply do some serious damage to you or even kill you. And its not about doing it "carefully". There is nothing hard about doing it, its the after injection period you have to be knowledgble about the most.

    "1 IU per gram of carb (or is it sugar...HI or LI...?) still...?" - Its 10g of carbs (pref simple carbs) per 1IU. Once you have carbs, your body then turns it into sugar.

    Just be carefull
    Last edited by Gear; 08-04-2004 at 05:11 PM.

  13. #13
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hatchblack
    use it carefully after the PWO shake
    Just relised you said "after PWO shake". Your actually best using it PWO, then have your carbs like your supposed to and maybe some glutamine and creatine for added benefits, and then you have your "PWO shake" about 15 min post injection

  14. #14
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    If I am going to use Humalog and start with 2IU's (gradually building up to 10IU)immediately PWO, immediately followed by a shake containing 8-10 grams carbs (dextrose) per IU. Wait 12-15 min and slam 40 grams whey protien with/water. Then wait about 1-1.5 hours later and have a skinless chicken breast and 2 med. size yams, then wait about another hour and have the same thing. Will I have anything to worry about? Can I go to sleep after I have done everything I just listed? Have I missed anything? Thanks!

  15. #15
    Gear's Avatar
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    I will put it in my words for you...

    1- Train
    2- Have your shot right after training
    3- Immidietly after your shot, have the appropriate amount of carbs, and 5g - 10g of Glutamine and Creatine
    4 - 15 min later have a protein shake (about 75g)
    5 - 1.25 hrs later have a lean meal (eggwhites/baked potatoes)
    6 - 2hrs later have another lean meal (grilled chicken/rice cooked in water)

    About 1 hour after all this you can pretty much eat as you do normally. Just make sure not to inatake any fats while Insulin is active as it will be stored. And make sure you have 7g - 10g of carbs per 1IU of Insulin. Also, I wouldnt start on 2IU, more like 4IU. At 4IU, its still a fairly low dosage. Work you way up to 10IU every training session. If you havent done Insulin before, there is no reason for you to breach the 10IU mark. If you are using Insulin with AAS then PWO shots only. If you are using Insulin alone then you can have PWO shots, as well as AM shots on OFF training days only to stave off catabolism. Humalog is active for 4hrs in your body. Be carefull, and always have a drink on you thats high in sugar but not fat incase you start to get hypo symptoms. If you do everything right, you shouldnt have any dramas. Good luck, and like I said, be carefull

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    I will put it in my words for you...

    1- Train
    2- Have your shot right after training
    3- Immidietly after your shot, have the appropriate amount of carbs, and 5g - 10g of Glutamine and Creatine
    4 - 15 min later have a protein shake (about 75g)
    5 - 1.25 hrs later have a lean meal (eggwhites/baked potatoes)
    6 - 2hrs later have another lean meal (grilled chicken/rice cooked in water)

    About 1 hour after all this you can pretty much eat as you do normally. Just make sure not to inatake any fats while Insulin is active as it will be stored. And make sure you have 7g - 10g of carbs per 1IU of Insulin. Also, I wouldnt start on 2IU, more like 4IU. At 4IU, its still a fairly low dosage. Work you way up to 10IU every training session. If you havent done Insulin before, there is no reason for you to breach the 10IU mark. If you are using Insulin with AAS then PWO shots only. If you are using Insulin alone then you can have PWO shots, as well as AM shots on OFF training days only to stave off catabolism. Humalog is active for 4hrs in your body. Be carefull, and always have a drink on you thats high in sugar but not fat incase you start to get hypo symptoms. If you do everything right, you shouldnt have any dramas. Good luck, and like I said, be carefull
    well said...if your truly diehard you shouldnt have any problems,but f your just one of these guys who gets pumped for the isnt for you

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    If you are going to consider slin then buy a BG meter and monitor your levels. While Humalog is pretty consistant on its peak times every person is different and getting your timing off as little can get you in trouble. You will also get a better idea of what your carb requirements are during activity along with reassuring yourself on your carb timing. Also, if you shoot IM your activity period will shorten and work out of your system quicker = better.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Thanks Gear and others for your suggestions.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Not something most people should be messing with. You would have to be constantly monitoring your blood (three times per day at least) in order to be half safe about taking insulin. You could cause problems with your pancrease and make yourself insuling dependent or you could make yourself dead.

  20. #20
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahq
    If you are going to consider slin then buy a BG meter and monitor your levels.
    Thats a very wise idea when using Insulin

  21. #21
    When you say injection immediately after workout, do you inject in the gym or what. My gym is about 35 miles from my house. Would that be to long to wait for PWO injection. Can Humulin R be substituted for Humalog?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by red5150
    When you say injection immediately after workout, do you inject in the gym or what. My gym is about 35 miles from my house. Would that be to long to wait for PWO injection. Can Humulin R be substituted for Humalog? the gym,make sure you have your pwo meal with you(carbs/pro/creatine/glute)and make sure you have something with you for the ride home in case you get stuck in traffic..i know personally i start to go hypo 45 min after my first protien ingestion...

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