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Thread: GH in freezer question.

  1. #1

    GH in freezer question.

    Hello all, a newbie question here. I placed some GH in the freezer on accident. Is it okie to let it thaw in the fridge a week or 2 and then use it? I noticed it said not to use frozen powder, but if you thaw it will it be oki?

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Oh my God...good question.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Yes,it´s OK.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    No, it's not really okay. If it's mixed, then you've broken it down and it's pretty much useless. GH is not very stable and only has a mixed shelf life of about a month. If it's the unmixed powder you put in the freezer, then that's no good also because of the crystalization and liquid accumulation that is associated with freezing. Even if by some miricle it didn't end up ruined by the freezing process, by the time the one to two weeks thawing time is up, it would then be broken down too far.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    yeah sorry bro that gh u got there is pretty much if u cach my drift look golden rule NEVER PUT GH İN THE FREZZER dont let this get u down its mistakes like this u learn from just think of this as experiance rather then a mistake

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I had some HGH delivered to my office because I was going to be out of town. I asked the receptionist to out it in the refridg and he put it in the freezer by mistake. I used it and got the regular sides so I think it is working.

  7. #7
    Actually a Dr. told me it was OK to freeze in that when reconstituted in sterile water is only good for 24 hours. Also, 1/5 of a bottle, I have heard from a gh "rep" is more than enuf and not to reconsitute with bactostatic water. Seems like freezing might kill it. Also heard you have to let the alcohol dry on the stoper after you wipe it before drawing...or it will kill the growth. Heard so many things, wonder if anyone uses it the correct way. Any insights?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigjohnr
    I had some HGH delivered to my office because I was going to be out of town. I asked the receptionist to out it in the refridg and he put it in the freezer by mistake. I used it and got the regular sides so I think it is working.

    You shouldn't get any side effects from GH.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Placebo Effect comes to mind in that situation.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by HugeDude
    Actually a Dr. told me it was OK to freeze in that when reconstituted in sterile water is only good for 24 hours. Also, 1/5 of a bottle, I have heard from a gh "rep" is more than enuf and not to reconsitute with bactostatic water. Seems like freezing might kill it. Also heard you have to let the alcohol dry on the stoper after you wipe it before drawing...or it will kill the growth. Heard so many things, wonder if anyone uses it the correct way. Any insights?

    GH should come with a special diluent, when mixed with that, it should be good for 14 days (I thought I read a month someplace). If a person is sensative to the diluent, then you mix it with sterile water for injection, mixed in that, it is only good for 24hrs. Storage is supposed to be between 36&46 degrees ferenhiet. It just says the avoid freezing the diluent or the reconstituted vial. It seems that a short time for the powder in the freezer is okay as long as it doesn't crystalize inside the vial.

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