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Thread: Deca Gyno vs Test Gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Deca Gyno vs Test Gyno

    If I did not get any gyno from 500ml/wk test, does that correlate that I have a less chance of getting gyno from Deca, say @ 300 or 400ml/wk? Or is there no way to tell? My first cyle was test E and I am now wanting to add Deca for a second cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    If you didnt get gyno wiith test @500mg per week then you might not be prone to gyno, or maybe you ran nolvadex wich stopped ot from happening. It doesnt matter weather you did get it or not...Deca gyno is caused by a different reaction in your body, its not the same as tes. Take nolvadex daily to prevent test gyno, and vitamin B6 @ 200mg per daily to prevent Dceca gyno. They are both different types of gyno so defend against each differnetly, and you might be prone to one and not the other.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    It's a differnt type of gyno from deca....... it's caused by high levels of prolactin. Dostinex or Vitamin B6 will keep the levels low also.

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