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Thread: testing..

  1. #1


    Sup bros i got a quick question, here it is...

    If i test positive for a steroid test, is there anything legal (like m1t) that would show up as roids or i could say why i tested positive, like saying i used m1t would that work.

    thanks guys

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ridin dirty
    I believe that the steroid test will be able to pinpoint the drug that you were using, however, i'll bump for more responses

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    your parents are gonna make you test now too mang?

    geesus. I hope not.
    but, if so, say that you thought is was vitamins or some protein pills .. or "the creatine"

    but, other than that, a drug test should show exactly what you were or ARE using.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    If someone throws up the cash to make you test for roids, they are going to know exactly what you took. Well pretty close anyways. There is one way of testing your kids without paying the cash. You have to test the protein levels in their urine. If the levels are abnormally high, odds are they are juiceing. But even that isn't proof for a real test. If you takeing a drug test for a job or something you have nothing to worry about, b/c they don't test for roids, b/c it cost so **** much. Who is testing you?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    On the End of a Needle
    they can pinpoint what kind of roids you were the answer is,you cant say it was something else

  7. #7
    thanks dally for the concern bro (seriously), i appreciate it guys, its not for me but for my friend, he got expelled from my hs and is now going to another one where they drug test for roids randomly football players. thanks

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