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Thread: Guys! It's time to learn how to FU*KING tip!

  1. #81
    LM1332 Guest
    If you are so pround what are you doing here living in US? It always bugs me if you are so pround them move back where you came from. If you live here you should be a pround AMERICAN

    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy
    Because I am a Proud Mexican and that is my bloodline / Race … Is there a problem with that?

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    If you dont like your tips. 4 words. Learn to fuking type. - Resevoir Dogs.
    Last edited by Lozgod; 08-12-2004 at 08:33 PM.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    So Cali. Inland Empire
    Quote Originally Posted by LM1332
    If you are so pround what are you doing here living in US? It always bugs me if you are so pround them move back where you came from. If you live here you should be a pround AMERICAN
    I am a Mexican-American and I hold my culture and race in the highest regards. I am not going anywhere! America is my home and the Mexican culture is how I live my life and if you got a problem with that then your are the ignorant F**K! My father was borne in Mexico and my mother and I were borne here (US). And that is the stupidest thing when I hear those kind of statements “IF you love Mexico so much, then go back”… they are just plain racist. I am American just as much as the Irish- American, Italillian Americans, African-Americans ECT. It is just an ignorant statement. Hell, I am more American than some of you here because I am a combat vet who fought for this country… I think I am entitled to say that being a vet. How many of you risked you life for this country? And for the ones who did you have my ultimate respect. Do not tell me to to go back where I came from because I came from here…SO F**K you too!

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by LM1332
    If you are so pround what are you doing here living in US? It always bugs me if you are so pround them move back where you came from. If you live here you should be a pround AMERICAN
    I guess I need to go back to Germany, Ireland, and Peurto Rico because I am proud to be German, Irish, and Puerto Rican.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy
    Sounds like crying to me...
    If I go to a restaurant, I owe the server NOTHING… and they will still wait on me because it is their job and if they don’t’ well I guess that they will soon loose their job. It is just that plain and simple. My tip is just a bit of gratitude and nothing more and is not an entitlement. So please get over yourself in thinking that people owe you. It is your job and if you do not like it Quit or STFU.

    you know what is funny here buddy? you!
    your a mexican and Doctorcc mentioned people like you in the first place, I just find that kind of BIZARRE, YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO SAID THAT SERVERS GET NOTHING.. sorry NADA

    That to me is bizarre! Doctorcc .. your stock in my books just went up a notch.

    Fatguy .... You my friend are not by ANY MEANS like any of my mexican friends. The service industry is thankful trust me.

    If you were or are a roofer .. you would know and understand the meaning of quality work and workmanship... servers who work hard in THEIR PROFESSION also appreciate quality and service ... and workmanship in another way or level... yes not sweating their corns off on a roof but by listening to and putting up with RUDE, SMELLY ROOFERS with a smile on their face the whole **** time .. while they should be layin a smack out to the teeth area.

    but, that comes in different ways I AM SURE... how bout a nice boogie in your BURGER, there chunks.

    go roof another and STFU YOURSELF... friggen whiney crybaby CHEAPO !!

  6. #86
    LM1332 Guest
    You silly man make me laugh. You have low intelligence or what? Because i noticed you cant type without cursing whats with that? How can you be a pround mexican if you were born here you mother was born here and the only real connection you have to mexico is your father? I mean if you were born their lived their for atleast 10 years then i would understand but you didnt so why dont you go to mexico get a job and live their and in few years come back and tell me how proud you are. To me personaly you are 3 times American then you are mexican so go back live their for a few come back and tell me wha sup.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy
    I am a Mexican-American and I hold my culture and race in the highest regards. I am not going anywhere! America is my home and the Mexican culture is how I live my life and if you got a problem with that then your are the ignorant F**K! My father was borne in Mexico and my mother and I were borne here (US). And that is the stupidest thing when I hear those kind of statements “IF you love Mexico so much, then go back”… they are just plain racist. I am American just as much as the Irish- American, Italillian Americans, African-Americans ECT. It is just an ignorant statement. Hell, I am more American than some of you here because I am a combat vet who fought for this country… I think I am entitled to say that being a vet. How many of you risked you life for this country? And for the ones who did you have my ultimate respect. Do not tell me to to go back where I came from because I came from here…SO F**K you too!

  7. #87
    LM1332 Guest
    silly immigrants. I am one as well and guess what? Im not going back im not pround. Ask your parents why they are here why they ran away. My parents run away do they respect russia no because of that country and because of those ppl in that country its broke now and we are here. If russia was anything like USA i wouldnt even give it a second thought id be there no questions asked but guess what I love it here and i regard my self as an american and im PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    So Cali. Inland Empire
    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    you know what is funny here buddy? you!
    your a mexican and Doctorcc mentioned people like you in the first place, I just find that kind of BIZARRE, YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO SAID THAT SERVERS GET NOTHING.. sorry NADA

    That to me is bizarre! Doctorcc .. your stock in my books just went up a notch.

    Fatguy .... You my friend are not by ANY MEANS like any of my mexican friends. The service industry is thankful trust me.

    If you were or are a roofer .. you would know and understand the meaning of quality work and workmanship... servers who work hard in THEIR PROFESSION also appreciate quality and service ... and workmanship in another way or level... yes not sweating their corns off on a roof but by listening to and putting up with RUDE, SMELLY ROOFERS with a smile on their face the whole **** time .. while they should be layin a smack out to the teeth area.

    but, that comes in different ways I AM SURE... how bout a nice boogie in your BURGER, there chunks.

    go roof another and STFU YOURSELF... friggen whiney crybaby CHEAPO !!

    LMAO...You do not know me...your a joke, a funny joke, but nonetheless a joke…hahaha

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    I just finished masterbating. Anyone like pie?

    Funny how a thread about tipping turned in to a racial flame fest. I really did just masterbate though. For real. My homemade sublingual test has me horny as hell all day.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    So Cali. Inland Empire
    I am done with this thread! However, I do appreciate all the retarded comments I find it humorous… so keep posting

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    mexican-american??? You realate this to Irish-american....that went out back in the 30's. Time to catch up. I am american.....My mother came over on a boat from Germany. This does not make me German, it makes her German. I may have German ancistry.... But I am 100% american....just like you

  12. #92
    LM1332 Guest
    Leave this thread then if you are done.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Guy
    I am done with this thread! However, I do appreciate all the retarded comments I find it humorous… so keep posting
    [QUOTE=damiongage]mexican-american??? You realate this to Irish-american....that went out back in the 30's. Time to catch up. I am american.....My mother came over on a boat from Germany. This does not make me German, it makes her German. I may have German ancistry.... But I am 100% american....just like you[QUOTE=damiongage]

    Thats right bro

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I just finished masterbating. Anyone like pie?

    Funny how a thread about tipping turned in to a racial flame fest. I really did just masterbate though. For real. My homemade sublingual test has me horny as hell all day.
    How is that going for you??

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by damiongage
    How is that going for you??
    Well I am done, but it went pretty good. I put on a hardcore gangbang porno I downloaded of this Jaoanese chick, my prick was already hard, I walk around with an erection nowadays, then I just went dry and started carressing the shaft. OK OK Let me stop, I couldnt resist, yeah the experiment is going good.

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Well I am done, but it went pretty good. I put on a hardcore gangbang porno I downloaded of this Jaoanese chick, my prick was already hard, I walk around with an erection nowadays, then I just went dry and started carressing the shaft. OK OK Let me stop, I couldnt resist, yeah the experiment is going good.
    Are you up any weight or strength??? @ the first prt...A little to much info for me though

  16. #96
    LM1332 Guest
    btw how is your sublingual testing going? OF that experimental stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    Well I am done, but it went pretty good. I put on a hardcore gangbang porno I downloaded of this Jaoanese chick, my prick was already hard, I walk around with an erection nowadays, then I just went dry and started carressing the shaft. OK OK Let me stop, I couldnt resist, yeah the experiment is going good.

  17. #97
    Join Date
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    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by LM1332
    btw how is your sublingual testing going? OF that experimental stuff
    I havent been in the gym this week, but I am back in on Monday, I am taking it now to see if I get that test feel, and I am. I will post results in the lab.

  18. #98
    LM1332 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    I havent been in the gym this week, but I am back in on Monday, I am taking it now to see if I get that test feel, and I am. I will post results in the lab.
    Great looking forward to seen your results.

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Vegas Baby!
    Uh.....mmmmk.... so, what was it we were talking about? Oh yeah, tipping!

    Word out for Dally, though you only work the restaurant industries drive up clientelle (KFC), I know you feel my pain =) Haha- wud a bud! You guys are great!


  20. #100
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Is it possible for you people to keep a discussion at least somewhat on topic. Let's leave the racism debate for another day. Back to tipping.

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Let's see if this is on-par with DocCC...

    Tonight.. I enjoyed a meal out.. at a small chain restaurant (Montana's)... and racked a bill of close to $25...

    The server visited but 3 times, but was polite...

    I left her $30... find that fair?

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    LOL Blown, you chump!! 100%+ tip at Montana's......I haven't laughed this long in a long time bro, thanks for the chuckle. <shakes head is disbelief>

    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Let's see if this is on-par with DocCC...

    Tonight.. I enjoyed a meal out.. at a small chain restaurant (Montana's)... and racked a bill of close to $25...

    The server visited but 3 times, but was polite...

    I left her $30... find that fair?

  23. #103
    LM1332 Guest
    Must have been a very hot bitch

    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Let's see if this is on-par with DocCC...

    Tonight.. I enjoyed a meal out.. at a small chain restaurant (Montana's)... and racked a bill of close to $25...

    The server visited but 3 times, but was polite...

    I left her $30... find that fair?

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    LOL Blown, you chump!! 100%+ tip at Montana's......I haven't laughed this long in a long time bro, thanks for the chuckle. <shakes head is disbelief>
    Nawww bros.. u misunderstood...
    I'm a starving student.. I left that bitch (who was hot mind you)... $5 bux...

    Glad I made you laugh nonetheless....(after all, we all need a chuckle )

  25. #105
    LM1332 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Nawww bros.. u misunderstood...
    I'm a starving student.. I left that bitch (who was hot mind you)... $5 bux...
    haha oh **** bro. Well **** its more then enough you gave her a 20% tip

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LM1332
    haha oh **** bro. Well **** its more then enough you gave her a 20% tip
    That's what I'm talking about.. .. my bad on the misinterpretation.. I just meant I left $30 total

  27. #107
    LM1332 Guest
    its all good bro i just thought you were rolling in dough and waitress was hella hot

    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    That's what I'm talking about.. .. my bad on the misinterpretation.. I just meant I left $30 total

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Vegas Baby!
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Let's see if this is on-par with DocCC...

    Tonight.. I enjoyed a meal out.. at a small chain restaurant (Montana's)... and racked a bill of close to $25...

    The server visited but 3 times, but was polite...

    I left her $30... find that fair?
    I would think you were stalking me if you actually left $30 on a $25 check. That was a funny missunderstanding. Good for you on the five bucks. I too went out to dinner this evening. Old lady and I had PF Changs- total was $40 for the both of us. Waitress slacked on the drinks, but overall was polite and offered friendly conversation. We left her $8 even though she wasn't quite in the 20% range.

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    LOL, that's more like it. For a minute I thought maybe you were one of those guys who leaves hotties huge tips in the hopes of making time with them. Either that or a high roller.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Nawww bros.. u misunderstood...
    I'm a starving student.. I left that bitch (who was hot mind you)... $5 bux...

    Glad I made you laugh nonetheless....(after all, we all need a chuckle )

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chicamahomico
    LOL, that's more like it. For a minute I thought maybe you were one of those guys who leaves hotties huge tips in the hopes of making time with them. Either that or a high roller.
    'Making time' LMFAO.. is that what you call it?

    Nope not either.. hopefully a Hi Rolla one day though...

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    'Making time' LMFAO.. is that what you call it?

    Nope not either.. hopefully a Hi Rolla one day though...
    silly canadaians...nanuck...

  32. #112
    Join Date
    May 2003
    One of CO2s posts about tipping that guy who stands in the bathroom to hand you a towel.
    He tries to make you feel bad when you dont give him a dollar tip just because he handed you a paper towel that you could have gotten yourself.
    Or he thinks that the gum and candy he has out is worth a dollar. Please, that shlt tastes like the colongue he has out right beside it. Take a piece of candy and it literally tastes like soap or old spice.
    It makes me not even wanna dry my hands so I dont have to use anything the guy hands me.

  33. #113
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    I always leave a big tip ... I dont fricken care.. tho I know when I go back in .. and get the same person .. they're gonna look after me...

    this for eg, pricey flashy place .. went with SK.. I was gettin a nice sirlion for us and ordered some booze and shots .. and bought the waiter some shots and the bartender .. the rest of the night .. drinks on the house .. needless to say I left a hefty tip.. but fack .. I live to live.

    and love it.

    Last edited by Dally; 08-13-2004 at 03:06 PM.

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York Fckin City
    if the srvice sucks = you aint getting ****. if the service is good = 15 - 20%, if the waitress is good looking 25%, if they hook me up with a few free drinks, appetizers etc.. 30%. strip clubs = ho's get 1 lousy dollar. when people want a good tip, i tell them "dont drink and drive".

  35. #115
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by doctorcc
    I guess the point I'm trying to make here is based on rule #3! I'm a wonderful waiter guys- honestly- and it bugs the hell outta me when I am right on top of things, and I get the shaft. Some family the other night, invited another family out to dinner (at our 4 star restaurant). It seemed like a rare occasion for both the families to be out at a nice restaurant, so I wanted them to feel like royalty- gave them 110% with their service. Those guys left me $5 each when the bill came. Five bucks is a piss in the face!
    I'm just saying- please give credit where credit is due.
    110% should be given no matter what the job. You are paid to do a job to the best of your ability. Nobody freakin tips me when I do my job...... tippings overrated and should be left to the customers discretion....

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I always give a tip.

    "Get another job" is usually my tip of the day!


  37. #117
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    "Get another job" is usually my tip of the day!


    I like that tip. I don't care how good you think you are or how much the bill was, I will leave however much I feel I need to. LM1332, before you go making fun of a member's posts, maybe you should learn how to spell P-R-O-U-D.

  38. #118
    Spyder Guest
    i always tip 20% minimum ... and if its someplace i go to often, ill usually tip more. usually, the next time i walk in, i get the "preferred" treatment and the waiters/waitresses really hook me up (alcohol wise). i dont want to be viewed as a cheap f*ck. ...and if its a hot waitress, i always leave a super tip!! just the other nite, i was at a chain restaurant, and the bill was $40 ... and i gave the chick 50%. she deserved it.

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    well after eating out last weekend i have a new complaint i havnt read on here yet bout waiters... the waiters who try to hard, and wont leave me the hell alone long enough to chew up one bite much less eat, without them askin every min do i need some more water or what not... if its low then yes, if not then no... no wonder some waiters make 2.50 an hr

  40. #120
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by damiongage

    this whole time i thought we were talking about cows????? WTF

    Now THATS funny....

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