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Thread: READ: Email Privacy and Info

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho

    READ: Email Privacy and Info

    Hey guys, Ever since the board got hacked people have been kinda parnoid, I can't blame them. I think that things need to be said to make folks alittle more relaxed and to set the record straight. First off I will be compiling some info on hacking and email privacy, since me and SOMEONE last night had a debate about security.
    Believe it or not, correct me if I am wrong here Jay, but Pm's are not as dangerous as we think.
    Fact is, we are misconceived by "secure email", but I have a link (as many more to come about email security) to prove my simple point, "Email, no matter how secure it is, it not secure".
    Think about this guys. When you send an email, it has to be routed thru several if not many hundred servers before it get's to it's destination. I work on mail servers all the time, and I can actutally see mail being routed and intercept and read it without anyone knowing. It is very easy, with the proper monitoring software.
    Now Pm's, think about this, they never have to leave the site, they stay confinded within the site itself, so in theory, Pm's are safer than emails. (Granted that the site doesn't get hacked again, Jay will kill me for this one).
    Now I am not saying conduct your business via Pm's, I am saying use your heads guys. I see Internet security issues every single day, and someone is always finding ways to do things, get into systems and so forth.
    This secure email thing, well that is not all it is cut out to be. Fact is, most email servers use 60 bit encription, which yes, is crackable, and yes you will read in this article I am pasting here that email server, such as Hushmail, sometimes archives and caches your emails even after deletion. How do you know what they are doing? Are you the administrator of that mail server? How do you know that someone is not reading your email?
    Fact is ladies and gents there is nothing on the "web" that is secure. Even secure ordering is not secure. I can tell you a hundred stories about things I have seen, with this as well.
    Here is one of many articles to come to hopefully help educate everyone:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    and yet some more on email security:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    (2) the Federal Government should have jurisdiction to investigate acts affecting protected computers, as defined in section 1030(e)(2)(B) of title 18, United States Code, as amended by this Act, even if the effects of such acts occur wholly outside the United States, as in such instances a sufficient Federal nexus is conferred through the interconnected and interdependent nature of computers used in interstate or foreign commerce or communication.
    From a bill passed by Clinton..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Another bill passed which basically gives the government any and all access to any computer info whether it be email or files if a suspected crime is commited or suspected.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    and yet some more info on Privacy since the September 11th thingamagiggy.
    this one basically says that congress is passing more and more laws to allow the government to read and do just about anything they want.

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