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Thread: Done 3 weeks of Clomid 50mg ed 20mg nov ed + 500 ius of HCG each week.. nuts not back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Done 3 weeks of Clomid 50mg ed 20mg nov ed + 500 ius of HCG each week.. nuts not back

    What do I do? I just started another round of Clomid and hit another HCG tongiht. Last shot was on 6/4/2004.... What would you guys do. My nuts are getting harder, but they are still really small. My dick works great. I had sex this am and rubbed one out this pm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    my understanding is that hcg will also suppress you. Granted it does stimulate LH production but when you stop, you are back to square one. Next time use HCG during the cycle and leave it out of the pct. Thats my opinion anyway. Im sure others will differ. Also, everybody is different, how many cycles have you run in the past?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    About 8 cycles bro... Its Jdawg here ya know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    my understanding is that hcg will also suppress you. Granted it does stimulate LH production but when you stop, you are back to square one. Next time use HCG during the cycle and leave it out of the pct. Thats my opinion anyway. Im sure others will differ. Also, everybody is different, how many cycles have you run in the past?
    HCG mimics LH it does nothing to raise it. This is why if you use HCG and Clomid together you will not get your LH levels up.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    What do I do? I just started another round of Clomid and hit another HCG tongiht. Last shot was on 6/4/2004.... What would you guys do. My nuts are getting harder, but they are still really small. My dick works great. I had sex this am and rubbed one out this pm.
    You say your sex drive is good.......... Why not get blood test to see where your levels are at. You may be recovered.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2002
    I feel like my test levels are pretty good, but My nuts are all skwisshy.... **** I was hitting 105's Dumbells today on the over head tri-extions no prob... When I was on 2 months ago I was bearly doing 115's????????

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    I feel like my test levels are pretty good, but My nuts are all skwisshy.... **** I was hitting 105's Dumbells today on the over head tri-extions no prob... When I was on 2 months ago I was bearly doing 115's????????
    Maybe you thought your nuts were bigger than they really were

    You want to watch how much hcg you use it could desensitize you testes.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    Maybe you thought your nuts were bigger than they really were

    You want to watch how much hcg you use it could desensitize you testes.

    HA HA

    I'll stay off the hcg and stick to the clomid for the next few weeks.
    I'll let ya know

  9. #9
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    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    HCG mimics LH it does nothing to raise it. This is why if you use HCG and Clomid together you will not get your LH levels up.
    ahh thank you for setting me straight.

    jdawg - I thought that it was you -the original jdawg- theres about a million jdawg somethins on the board nowadays. Havent seen you around in awhile. Hows it been goin my favorite right sided friend?

  10. #10
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    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    ahh thank you for setting me straight.

    jdawg - I thought that it was you -the original jdawg- theres about a million jdawg somethins on the board nowadays. Havent seen you around in awhile. Hows it been goin my favorite right sided friend?
    There's only one JDAWG50 though!!!!!!!! Changed my avatar after ohio state lost last year!... been off the boards lately.. but I'm bake bro

    Been Good bro... lol !!!! except for the little balls. how about you???? Got my vote in this week for PETE COORS for Senate!!!!!!!!
    GO W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Symetech, have you read "Unfit for command"? #1 on amazon, send me ur addy and I'll send ya a copy... Good stuff bro
    Hope ur good bro

  11. #11
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    not where I want to be
    lol, you aint got to worry about that. Kerry doesnt have my vote. but neither does W. first time since I've been able to vote im going to have to sit out the presidential election. Never thuoght I'd do that but dammit if there isn't a decent candidate among them.

    How you like your new place? I imagine its pretty nice with all the scenery -and the greenery - you findin some good work with that MBA?

    Dont worry about your little balls, we both know all the hcg in the world wont make em as big as mine

    stay swole bro, its good to see you posting again


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Doing good bro. The MBA has been helpful. Still doing the same thing.. selling stuff. Got married and wearing my bush/cheney hat!
    Good to hear from you

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    About 8 cycles bro... Its Jdawg here ya know
    and you still dont have PCT down yet bro

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    and you still dont have PCT down yet bro
    Uh... who are you, and why do I care? I have done everything right according to what i have learned on this board. Just about every post on here is different and everyone has an opinion. There are about 20 ways to do PCT therapy. I did Clomid, Nov and HCG. Ok, so tell me what I was suppose to do genious. Its obvious you have nothing to add constructively.

  15. #15
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    not where I want to be
    I have seen a thread that has some scientific research backing what jdawg did. in fact i was still torn about hcg post cycle or not. thanks to jdawg thats now resolved -at least for me.-

    DeVLDOG only I have the right to criticise jdawg. i just want to make that clear

  16. #16
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    not where I want to be
    6,696 found it in the educational forum. No wonder nobody read it

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech found it in the educational forum. No wonder nobody read it
    Thanks sym.... oh wait WTF???-- JK bro
    This PCT has always worked for me in the past, so that's why I posted this. This is the first time I have had it not work... but this was also the longest and heaviest cycle I have ever done before. I think its just gonna take time. that was the cycle to end all cycles....... TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>.

    At this point I have planned to stay off the gear for child bearing purposes, that is why I have the concern about the balls. I said I was done... except hgh. but we'll see... sucks being off!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. #18
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    didnt mean to get into the middle of some homo love affair here.but if you have run 8 cycles regardless of everyone reacting different to this and that i would hope you had what works best for "YOU" down by now.and yes i could tell you what works best for me but it doesnt nesacerraly mean it will be best for you.and you failed to mention in your original post that what has worked in the past isnt working now,and that your current cycle was run longer then any you have run before you make an ignorant comment about me criticising you,you need to check yourself cuz
    Last edited by DEVLDOG; 08-14-2004 at 03:15 PM.

  19. #19
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    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    didnt mean to get into the middle of some homo love affair here.but if you have run 8 cycles regardless of everyone reacting different to this and that i would hope you had what works best for "YOU" down by now.and yes i could tell you what works best for me but it doesnt nesacerraly mean it will be best for you.and you failed to mention in your original post that what has worked in the past isnt working now,and that your current cycle was run longer then any you have run before you make an ignorant comment about me critisizing you,you need to check yourself cuz
    Cute first comment, I think you need to re-access how you talk to people on this board. There are pleasant ways of talking to people and there is your way of talking to people.... I'm not the one that had some half sentance off hand remark without anything positive to add or some advice to give. Do me a favor stay off my post from now on.

    BTW do you have a problem with Gay people? Because if you do... you should go over to Bolix where you can do that crap all day long.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Cute first comment, I think you need to re-access how you talk to people on this board. There are pleasant ways of talking to people and there is your way of talking to people.... I'm not the one that had some half sentance off hand remark without anything positive to add or some advice to give. Do me a favor stay off my post from now on.

    BTW do you have a problem with Gay people? Because if you do... you should go over to Bolix where you can do that crap all day long.
    never said i had a problem with gay people,are you feeling a little phobic bro..i simply was asking the question why you didnt have your pct in ck after "8 cycles" i guess it's because your nutz are shrunkin that your feeling a little insecure.and dont sweat it bro,i wont be helping you out in the future by answering your threads...hell, you have an "MBA" you shouldnt need any advice....fu ck this kid sh!t,i'm out ...snoopdawg

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Your a class act man.
    Did you even read the post.... Snoop dawg... LOL

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Your a class act man.
    Did you even read the post.... Snoop dawg... LOL
    i read what?? you say you just took a hcg shot(a no no during pct)and started clomid again....why did you stop in the first place?? and you had sex in the AM(didnt say with what) and you rubbed one out?? like i really need the hear with that said,you so far questioned my character?? and now my class?? let me tell you something about me SON...while you were picking pimples on your face and dreaming of getting laid by something more then your hand...i was fighting in DESERT STORM(USMC).so deuch bags like you could say stupid things in life without persicution.i dont need some short skinny(by your own addmision)snot nose,yuppy college boy judging want help...ask for it.otherwise keep your sarcasim to yourself.
    "who are you?? and why do i care"?? your words!!pretty arrogant if you ask me cuz

  23. #23
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    Aug 2002
    A. TY for your service. I respect what you did, but that doesnt give you a pass on the rest of your life or your attitude bud.... Desert Storm has been over for ten years now. Maybe you need some counciling.

    B. Your sure are touchy about this, and why is it that you had to bring up the fact that u served in Desert storm... How is that relevant?

    C. In case you didnt read the thread that was posted earlier then you obviously don't know that the jury is still out on using HCG in post cycle therapy.... Maybe you should do some more homework. TY Symatec.

    D. I didnt relieaze that u had conducted clinical research showing that HCG post cycle was a no no.... What that a double blind, placebo controlled trail that you put on.... Oh I bet thats a bit above your IQ...

    I was too young to go to desert storm, and just about too old to go to this current war. I was out of college by the time 9/11 occured... sooo I'm not sure what your point is CUZ....

    Your the turd that started this crap... I didnt hijack your thread and start off by saying something stupid like you did. I was looking for advise not BS attitude from some retard like you.

    So go blow yourself dickhead.

    Oh, BTW you only wish you could get what i get every night and morning bro... I bet my right hand is better than what ur getting.

    Now go get a life, a job and probably more important an education. That way you can stop taking orders from snot nose brats like me.

    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    i read what?? you say you just took a hcg shot(a no no during pct)and started clomid again....why did you stop in the first place?? and you had sex in the AM(didnt say with what) and you rubbed one out?? like i really need the hear with that said,you so far questioned my character?? and now my class?? let me tell you something about me SON...while you were picking pimples on your face and dreaming of getting laid by something more then your hand...i was fighting in DESERT STORM(USMC).so deuch bags like you could say stupid things in life without persicution.i dont need some short skinny(by your own addmision)snot nose,yuppy college boy judging want help...ask for it.otherwise keep your sarcasim to yourself.
    "who are you?? and why do i care"?? your words!!pretty arrogant if you ask me cuz

  24. #24
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    Apr 2003
    DEVLDOG drop it........... This is not constructive.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    DEVLDOG drop it........... This is not constructive.
    TY Mudman... not sure what his problem is

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    TY Mudman... not sure what his problem is
    yeah, but my problem is that you always had small balls. You just stand in one of those mirrors that always makes you look bigger,LOL

    You slappy S.O.B! i didnt think you cycle ever ended? Oh wait? thats me,LOL

    I would just run clomid a bit longer and not use the HCG. When i run heavy long cycles, I just run the clomid longer than usual.

    Also I would like to add that I can't believe you're still sour about us Michiganders whoopin some Ohio State azz

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Nice of you too join us abby!
    The buckeyes are gonna woop some ass punk

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Nice of you too join us abby!
    The buckeyes are gonna woop some ass punk
    Keep on dreaming punk

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    i read what?? you say you just took a hcg shot(a no no during pct)and started clomid again....why did you stop in the first place?? and you had sex in the AM(didnt say with what) and you rubbed one out?? like i really need the hear with that said,you so far questioned my character?? and now my class?? let me tell you something about me SON...while you were picking pimples on your face and dreaming of getting laid by something more then your hand...i was fighting in DESERT STORM(USMC).so deuch bags like you could say stupid things in life without persicution.i dont need some short skinny(by your own addmision)snot nose,yuppy college boy judging want help...ask for it.otherwise keep your sarcasim to yourself.
    "who are you?? and why do i care"?? your words!!pretty arrogant if you ask me cuz
    Who the Fuk are u! Dont know u, nor do i care to know, but ur talking out of ur ass tuff guy....

    The idea is to find what works for YOU and use it. That goes for gear and post cycle. What works for jdawg might not work for u, but that doesnt give u the right to open ur pie hole up and spew ur BS!

    Learn how to talk to people and maybe someone will listen to what u have to say next time!


    Jawg, we'v talked about this. IMHO ur nutz are back. If ur holding a hardon and loadin up twice ed, then ur good to go. I think u just like playin with ur sack...


  30. #30
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    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    Keep on dreaming punk

    i think ur both smokin somethin....GO CANES....


  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by OGPackin
    i think ur both smokin somethin....GO CANES....

    only a victory smoke! as we say Numbero Uno!

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    DEVLDOG drop it........... This is not constructive.
    ok bro.i have respect for you...these other f ucks can eat **** though.....everybody has got big balls when they can hide behind a keypad...feel me bro.

  33. #33
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    not where I want to be
    some "homo love affair"?? look man just cause you havent done as much research as jdawg or myself doesnt mean you can call us homos. Jdawg and I go back awhile and we have disagreed (in some strong words) more often than we agree it seems. But he's been here awhile and even though we've gotten into some shouting matches he still has my respect. you on the other hand, who just joined the board recently come in here with a response that is not only non productive but disrespecting both of us and it is uncalled for. if you dont have something usefull to say. please keep your comments to yourself.

    i know that you have now 'dropped it' but ive been out of town and just thought I'd drop my .02 in and defend my self and jdawg a bit.

  34. #34
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    I see them both as wrong IMO. Devildog made a comment about his pct he took offense and came back with his share of b.s. I personally see a gang type mentality here with the "old school" members feeling superior to the newer member, there is a lot of that on here and it is b.s. Again I think they both encouraged the responses they got, so go ahead and flame away.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    I see them both as wrong IMO. Devildog made a comment about his pct he took offense and came back with his share of b.s. I personally see a gang type mentality here with the "old school" members feeling superior to the newer member, there is a lot of that on here and it is b.s. Again I think they both encouraged the responses they got, so go ahead and flame away.
    No you're wrong....... This is Jdawg's thread and that is the only reason why I asked DEVLDOG to just drop it and he did. So no one or at least I'm not "ganging up" on him.

  36. #36
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    Aug 2002

    Thanks bro

    Thanks bro We may have differnet ideologies but were cool. Take care

    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    some "homo love affair"?? look man just cause you havent done as much research as jdawg or myself doesnt mean you can call us homos. Jdawg and I go back awhile and we have disagreed (in some strong words) more often than we agree it seems. But he's been here awhile and even though we've gotten into some shouting matches he still has my respect. you on the other hand, who just joined the board recently come in here with a response that is not only non productive but disrespecting both of us and it is uncalled for. if you dont have something usefull to say. please keep your comments to yourself.

    i know that you have now 'dropped it' but ive been out of town and just thought I'd drop my .02 in and defend my self and jdawg a bit.

  37. #37
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    South Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by 1victor
    I see them both as wrong IMO. Devildog made a comment about his pct he took offense and came back with his share of b.s. I personally see a gang type mentality here with the "old school" members feeling superior to the newer member, there is a lot of that on here and it is b.s. Again I think they both encouraged the responses they got, so go ahead and flame away.

    Hey Vic, i'll admit i was sticking up for my bro, but not because he is "old school" like me. Its because i consider Jdawg a best friend, and because he was right. I wouldnt let anyone talk to my friends that way without me saying something....


  38. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Thanks bro
    I really feel like I did nothing wrong here. This guy came after me for no reason. I think he must have a chip on his shoulder or something
    Thanks OG

    Quote Originally Posted by OGPackin
    Hey Vic, i'll admit i was sticking up for my bro, but not because he is "old school" like me. Its because i consider Jdawg a best friend, and because he was right. I wouldnt let anyone talk to my friends that way without me saying something....


  39. #39
    Join Date
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    city of brotherly love
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Thanks bro
    I really feel like I did nothing wrong here. This guy came after me for no reason. I think he must have a chip on his shoulder or something
    Thanks OG
    for being dropped this thread is getting
    JDAWG.i wasnt "coming after you",i simply asked a question.could i have asked it differently..probably so,but that is just me.i believe you took offense to it,and it all went to sh!t from there...NO HARM DONE.

    how bout somebody deletes this thread before it drags on,that is if the original question has been answered.


  40. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    OK truce.

    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
    for being dropped this thread is getting
    JDAWG.i wasnt "coming after you",i simply asked a question.could i have asked it differently..probably so,but that is just me.i believe you took offense to it,and it all went to sh!t from there...NO HARM DONE.

    how bout somebody deletes this thread before it drags on,that is if the original question has been answered.


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