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Thread: i HATE my metabolism!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Question i HATE my metabolism!

    i am currently eating many different foods a day, i would say i'd consume about 10-15 meals a day, wether it be a bowl of oatmeal and piece of fruit or a steak/chicken breast and potato (those are two definite meals EVERY day among other meals)... my question is, how can i slow my metabolism down so i dont feel sick when i try to eat a big meal, i would like to be able to eat 3-5 BIG meals(1000 cals atleast per meal) a day if possible but i can't seem to consume more than a serving or two of something without feeling like i'll regergitate all that i just ate if i take another bite, its really starting to take a toll on me and i can never gain weight cause im eating probably every hour on the hour or more and thats being generous, its more like every half/hour on the half/hour... i hope i've explained my situation correctly... thanks for your help guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Not a well known name.
    First off, if you haven't read the bulking sticky in the diet forum do so.

    Secondly, if you have already read the bulking sticky, read it again.

    Thirdly, ALWAYS have a source of protein with ALL your meals.

    Plus, we'll need more details on your diet, i.e. a meal plan for a day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    i dont necessarially have a meal plan... i just consume whats infront of me as long as its not high in fat/sugar and not low in protein/carbs etc. the sum of my earlier post i guess is, how to i go from 10 medium-small meals a day to 5 big meals a day? again, i'd give you a layout of what i eat everyday but its impossible to tell besides what i have listed above (steak/chicken and potato... oatmeal and fruit) its all healthy food...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You'd be wise to lay out your meal plan as suggested. You can then take all 10 meals, put 2 together each time, and you'll have 5 bigger meals for the day.

    Pretty straightforward.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    should i force myself to eat the large meals until im able to even if i may puke it up, like trying to dicipline my body?

    this is what i THINK i eat everyday:

    first meal: 2 servings of milk

    second meal: spaghettio's

    third meal: oatmeal and piece of fruit

    fourth meal: more than likely some chicken tenders from some fast food restaurant or a QP doublestack with cheese (this is usually when im out doing everyday things like school,gym, etc.)

    fifth meal: 1 isopure from gym fridge(40g's pro)

    sixth meal: bagel/cream cheese and one serving of milk

    seventh meal: steak and potato's(chunky) or chicken breast and real potato, depends how lazy i am

    eight meal: mac and cheese(tv dinner)

    ninth meal: usually whatever my father cooks that in the fridge(ie. shrimp, fries, or plain spaghetti)

    tenth meal: this is the time when i sit in my room, watch tv and chow on unsalted nuts or eat sunflower seeds or some popcorn or something

    these are things that i tend to eat during the day, a little more sometimes, and when time constricted a little less but i do end up eating a lot over the course of a day...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Okay, so put all those meals into one and you've got like my breakfast lol.
    You have too many meals that are just straight up carbs. Personally, if a meal doesn't have protein, I consider it "empty" to me. Eat protein with ever meal, and never by itself. You'll need either carbs or fat for energy so your body can use the protein to rebuild.
    Milk is alright, but Swole has gotten me to feeling like I'm cheating when I"m eating SKIM MILK hehe, but if you really can't put on weight then dairy won't be a problem. But don't use the milk protein as your protein for that meal, it won't add up to enough.
    It's not always how much, but what you eat to bulk.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    yeah man now that you pointed it out, it is a lot of carbs... so wut should i substitute for spaghetti o's, oatmeal, spaghetti and the bagel? if im correct thats where my carbs are comeing from right? thanks again for your help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    yo dude ur diet needs mad work bro, that diet u have posted will get u a one-way ticket to weakville. Reading the bulking sticky

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by kaybeekid
    should i force myself to eat the large meals until im able to even if i may puke it up, like trying to dicipline my body?

    this is what i THINK i eat everyday:

    first meal: 2 servings of milk

    second meal: spaghettio's

    third meal: oatmeal and piece of fruit

    fourth meal: more than likely some chicken tenders from some fast food restaurant or a QP doublestack with cheese (this is usually when im out doing everyday things like school,gym, etc.)

    fifth meal: 1 isopure from gym fridge(40g's pro)

    sixth meal: bagel/cream cheese and one serving of milk

    seventh meal: steak and potato's(chunky) or chicken breast and real potato, depends how lazy i am

    eight meal: mac and cheese(tv dinner)

    ninth meal: usually whatever my father cooks that in the fridge(ie. shrimp, fries, or plain spaghetti)

    tenth meal: this is the time when i sit in my room, watch tv and chow on unsalted nuts or eat sunflower seeds or some popcorn or something

    these are things that i tend to eat during the day, a little more sometimes, and when time constricted a little less but i do end up eating a lot over the course of a day...
    This is a sick phucking joke, right?

    MILK as a meal??????? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Check it, read the dietary stickies above, because I'll give it to you straight right now, no sugar coating.......

    YOUR DIETARY PLAN ABOVE SUCKS A$$...........It's the most horrid thing I've viewed since that pic of Oprah's naked @ss was floating around on the Net.

    You have MUCH WORK to do.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    where can i get hold of that oprah pic?

    ..only joking

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002


    i know it sucks a$$, thats why im here right? well, im not on cycle or anything and got no job so i basically have to eat wut my parents bring home and thats wut they bring home... they said when you get your own place you can buy all the food you want but until then your stuck with our food. they pay my college tuition, i cant ask for more... its like having no choice but to workout in a gym thats 20feetX20feet, you gotta use what you got right? i guess you guys are going to say " your screwed until you get off your lazy a$$ and get a job and move the hell out". thanks for the info guys, you really shedded some light on how bad my eating environment is, appreciate it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    IMO diet is the most important part of bodybuilding.if you don't get that right you ain't going to make gains....sorry.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by kaybeekid
    i know it sucks a$$, thats why im here right? well, im not on cycle or anything and got no job so i basically have to eat wut my parents bring home and thats wut they bring home... they said when you get your own place you can buy all the food you want but until then your stuck with our food. they pay my college tuition, i cant ask for more... its like having no choice but to workout in a gym thats 20feetX20feet, you gotta use what you got right? i guess you guys are going to say " your screwed until you get off your lazy a$$ and get a job and move the hell out". thanks for the info guys, you really shedded some light on how bad my eating environment is, appreciate it
    Yeah, make no mistake about it, it royally sucks.

    It's not your fault, but your eating elementary school lunch food.

    I don't know your parents, but as a parent myself, I don't even feed my 5 year old half of that garbage. I owe it to him to receive PROPER nutrition, NOT garbage. That's just what I desire for my son. I don't owe him junk food, I owe him the right to know what RESPONSIBLE/HEALTHY nutrition is.



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    I can just see Swole's kid when he goes to Elementary School...... he is gona be the only 1st grader with a full 6 pack and some killer biceps lol.....start him early Swole so he gets all the ladies. Remember.... when he gets older he will be bringing home some fine ass younger girls for you to drool over haha


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    It's funny how people who don't work out see our clean foods as abnormal "health foods", and their boxed frozen processed shyt as normal. Welcome to america i guess. Land of the free...........and diabetic cardiovascular patients.
    Are your parents against healthy eating?
    Can you go to the food store yourself? How old r u? DO you drive? Just buy 10 dozen eggs and have 3 whole eggs a few times a day and 2 glasses of milk with it in addition to a few other meals. Jumbo eggs. And buy lotsa milk.
    Do you have any money? Milk and eggs is the cheapest way to do it. I eat 10 dozens eggs a week, and i''m not even bulking up write now.
    Let me in on your whole story, WE WILL figure this out, CUZ YOU NEED A SERIOUS PROTIEN INFUSION.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002
    well we always have milk in the house cuz my mothers addicted to coffee and always needs milk to be in the fridge... my age is 19, got a car but since i live so far away from my college i use all the money thats given to me for gas and like i stated above, fast food... currently the 99cent menu is my best friend but i gotta change that right? my parents arent against healthy eating, they are old school, meaning they think working out and bodybuilding is a joke and whenever they see me online in these forums they say " why do you read that garbage?" or sumthing like that. i drink a lot of milk cuz i was told by my buddy at my gym (he owns it and thats the only reason i got a membership, parents wouldnt pay for it) that milk and eggs are the only two protein sources that have all BCAA's in them so get in one or the other every day and he swears by it, thats why i made my first meal 2 servings of milk. we have eggs sometimes... but if i were to eat anywhere near what you eat they would flip cuz they'd be all gone and they need me to share food, i got 4 brothers and 2 sisters all younger, hence why i added spaghetti o's to my meals list, theyre just always there. since im the oldest i have to make the most sacrifices, and also i cant get a job cuz i watch the little phuckers all day until they come home, then its off to the gym.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I'd have to say that right now is not an opportune time to take on bodybuilding/fitness.

    Not a flame, but if you don't possess the correct tools in which to work with, you're not going to progress far at all. Nutrition IS the #1 key to how you look.

    Best of luck in the future.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Well you said the .99$ menu was your best friend, well just take that .99$ and buy a dozen eggs, same price. There's a start.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Listen to me very carefully Kaybeekid, we are gonna figure this out here and now.
    Reach into your back pocket, and take out your wallet. How much is in their?
    Exactly how much gas do you use a week?
    What else do you spend money on? Girlfriend? Movies?
    Did you hangout with your friends yesterday? How much money do you spend with them, generally.
    You must answer all these questions completely. We will solve this problem my son. It may be a pain, and it may not end up quite perfect, but it will be a huge improvement on what you are doing.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    Listen to me very carefully Kaybeekid, we are gonna figure this out here and now.
    Reach into your back pocket, and take out your wallet. How much is in their?
    Exactly how much gas do you use a week?
    What else do you spend money on? Girlfriend? Movies?
    Did you hangout with your friends yesterday? How much money do you spend with them, generally.
    You must answer all these questions completely. We will solve this problem my son. It may be a pain, and it may not end up quite perfect, but it will be a huge improvement on what you are doing.
    Good deal bro, very cool of you!


  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yeah, make no mistake about it, it royally sucks.

    It's not your fault, but your eating elementary school lunch food.

    I don't know your parents, but as a parent myself, I don't even feed my 5 year old half of that garbage. I owe it to him to receive PROPER nutrition, NOT garbage. That's just what I desire for my son. I don't owe him junk food, I owe him the right to know what RESPONSIBLE/HEALTHY nutrition is.


    I bet your son is going to be one jacked up motherf*cker. I bet you added WPI to your son's formula didnt you.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I bet your son is going to be one jacked up motherf*cker. I bet you added WPI to your son's formula didnt you.

    LMAO..... like I said he will be the only 1st grade with a full set of abs and some biceps haha


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    I bet your son is going to be one jacked up motherf*cker. I bet you added WPI to your son's formula didnt you.
    Yeah, creatine would be too hard on his kidneys at age 5...........

    Really, some of his favorite meals are chicken/rice, pasta w/chicken, rice/egg whites. When I'm eating it he always asks to eat some of my stuff, and he likes it. May explain why he's the tallest and biggest in his entire kindergarten class.


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    In the R.V.
    100% agreed. I have my 9yr. old son on a dex/whey shake every day after football practice. All the other kids are running to the cooler for a grape soda, he comes to the truck and we mix up a shake on the tailgate. We get some strange looks, but most know me and expect it. He also takes EFA caps in his lunchbox every day. I am just waiting for one of the teachers to accuse him of bringing drugs to school.

    BTW - SC, your new sig kicks ass!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Cousin Eddie
    100% agreed. I have my 9yr. old son on a dex/whey shake every day after football practice. All the other kids are running to the cooler for a grape soda, he comes to the truck and we mix up a shake on the tailgate. We get some strange looks, but most know me and expect it. He also takes EFA caps in his lunchbox every day. I am just waiting for one of the teachers to accuse him of bringing drugs to school.

    BTW - SC, your new sig kicks ass!!
    Thanks Eddie!


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I commend you guys for feeding your kids right. I get so pissed everytime i see on the news that juvenille diabetes is on the rise, becuase stupid parents don't know how to tell their kids that fast food candy and soda are a big NO NO. When I have kids, they are definetly going to clean eaters from the crib. Burger king and taco bell will be foreighn to their tongues.

    It must be tough though when kids go to their friends houses and come back saying "Mom, dad, I want more stuff like Bobby has at his house. He has all the good stuff.". And then they feel deprived.

    I was reletively lucky that my mom made home cooked meals. Alot of my friends moms were lazy whores, and that's why they ate fast food once a week or more. McDonalds was a special occasion thing at my house, definetly not a regualr thing. Maybe, 5 times a year we had it.
    But still, there was still alot of chips and hoagie type stuff in the house, and sometimes a soda overload. Soda is so go**** bad for you, i don't know what my parents were thinkin. But, most other households were worse than mine from what i seen.
    I think most people are just so nutrition stupid that it doesn't even occur to them what they are doing to their kids. They're like in a different world.
    I also think parent have a problem saying no to their kids. And i think it's becuase they want their kids to feel more priveleged than they did when they were younger cuz maybe they had it tougher. However, like Dr. Phil says, "Don't love your loved ones with food!"lol! So true!

    And what really pisses me off is these 100 pound babies on daytime talkshows, with these asshole idiot parents who just are such incompetetant white trash, they should have never been parents. I think they should all lose their custody wrights. There is no excuse for a kid to be 100 pounds at 4 years old. That is all the parents fault. Very few kids develope thyroid problems that early. I just feel so bad for those poor kids trapped in all that fat. They will no doubt all be diabetics by age 15. And doctors say they even show sighns of heart disease sometimes when they get that heavy. It's sick. Imagine, being 18 and having your first bypass. "THANKS MOM!"

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    My son gets all the treats that other kids get, but those do not comprise the greater majority of his food intake as it does w/other children. We use those as treats of sorts, kind of like cheat days for kids.
    I would never deprive my son of enjoying foods that all children should enjoy when they "can" get away with eating them. The point and key is to not let those foods affect them negatively, much like when they are adults trying to keep fit and be in shape.


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    My son gets all the treats that other kids get, but those do not comprise the greater majority of his food intake as it does w/other children. We use those as treats of sorts, kind of like cheat days for kids.
    I would never deprive my son of enjoying foods that all children should enjoy when they "can" get away with eating them. The point and key is to not let those foods affect them negatively, much like when they are adults trying to keep fit and be in shape.

    Very true. I also make sure my daughter eats healthy, without depriving her of the treats that kids enjoy. Probably the best part of this wacko low-carb craze among Americans, is that you can get almost anything you want without sugar added. My daughter eats ice cream, BUT she eats splenda sweetened ice cream, and she loves it. She eats candy, but it's sugar free, and she loves it!! She adores oatmeal with sugar free strawberry jam and splenda in it. Point is, it's up to the PARENTS to stop this trend of FAT A$$ AMERICAN kids. Come on can make a difference yourself!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hey Kaybee, you could maybe coax your fam into eating better if you make it seem like you wanna help them be healthy. Right now they only see your muscle building goal as a narcissistic endeaver. But maybe if they see it as more of a healthy thing, which it really is, then they will be less predjudice about it. Try it. See how it works. I mean c'mon. How irritated could a parent be that their child decides on his own to eat healthy?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Thumbs up

    Let me just say that i respect the hell out of you guy's that are teaching your kids from a young age about nutrition and how to make healthy choices.

    Alot of us on this board where not that fortunate growing up, it is guy's like you that make a difference and i think it is awesome.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    This is a sick phucking joke, right?

    MILK as a meal??????? LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Check it, read the dietary stickies above, because I'll give it to you straight right now, no sugar coating.......

    YOUR DIETARY PLAN ABOVE SUCKS A$$...........It's the most horrid thing I've viewed since that pic of Oprah's naked @ss was floating around on the Net.

    You have MUCH WORK to do.


  32. #32
    If you only Have a couple of bucks in your pocket every day, you can stop at Wal-mart or almost any other grocery store and buy one of those rotissery chickens from the deli for about 3-4 dollars. There is a couple of protein filled meals for you.

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