i am currently eating many different foods a day, i would say i'd consume about 10-15 meals a day, wether it be a bowl of oatmeal and piece of fruit or a steak/chicken breast and potato (those are two definite meals EVERY day among other meals)... my question is, how can i slow my metabolism down so i dont feel sick when i try to eat a big meal, i would like to be able to eat 3-5 BIG meals(1000 cals atleast per meal) a day if possible but i can't seem to consume more than a serving or two of something without feeling like i'll regergitate all that i just ate if i take another bite, its really starting to take a toll on me and i can never gain weight cause im eating probably every hour on the hour or more and thats being generous, its more like every half/hour on the half/hour... i hope i've explained my situation correctly... thanks for your help guys